Gankutsuou Fanfiction


The Favor:

Pairing: Count/Franz
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Gratuitous oral pleasure, the molesting of Franz and mild angst ^^
Notes: Takes place after Albert has been kidnapped and Franz goes to the Count as a last resort.
Complete: Available in eBook - Please click for more info!

Whispered Secrets:

Pairings: Franz/Albert
Rating: R
Warnings: Shounen ai (lime?), mild angst, fluff/sap
Notes: Timeline is set before they meet the Count (sorry no ghost sex, boys and girls ^^). I’m still iffy about Franz’s age in the anime but hopefully this is about right.
Dedicated to the wonderful artists on the Gankutsuou community. I swear the stuff they put up is enough to inspire anyone any day.
Complete: One

Arabian Dreams:

Pairings: Count/Franz
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Drug use, graphic lemon scene-yaoi
Notes: This is a scene ‘stolen’ from the book but twisted to fit the Gankutsuou world. Perhaps some of you will be able to recognize this particular scenario, if so huzzah! Timeline is set a few months before they meet the Count on Luna. The boys are in Florence on their way to Rome for the Carnival.
Complete: Now Available as an eBook! Click link for more info!


Pairings: Franz, Eugenie, Albert
Rating: PG
Warnings: Angst
Notes: Franz's feelings about his best friend...
Complete: One


Pairings: Franz/Albert
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Shounen-ai, minor angst, fluff/sap
Notes: Based off this picture by Mon Starling, a short drabble showing the power of friendship between two young men.
Complete: One

Sweet Distractions:

Pairings: OT3! Albert/Francine/Franz
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Crack! crossdressing Franz, fluff/sap
Notes: What happens when Albert is bored? The OT3 decide to cause a sensation the likes Paris has never seen before. Who knew Albert's fetish for men in women's clothes had begun way before Beppo ever showed up?

Complete: One

Gift Fanart!: Francine by The_Calen and Francine by Arisugawajuri

Sweet Distractions (2):

Pairing: Albert/Franz
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Shounen-ai, mild angst, fluff/sap
Notes: A continuation of Sweet Distractions. The boys must come to terms with the consequences of their actions as Lucien Debray contemplates his engagement to the lovely princess.
Complete: One


Pairing: None
Rating: PG (K+)
Warnings: Mild angst, Count's POV
Summary: I walk down the streets of Paris, wishing I could call him a name I had once dreamed of...
Complete: One

The Haunting at the Colosseum:

Pairing: Count/Franz
Rating: NC-17 (MA)
Warnings:Yaoi, slight non-con
Summary:...and though Franz had been unable to distinguish his features, the tones of his voice had made too powerful of an impression on him...
Complete: Now Available as an eBook! Click link for more info!

Copyright [c] 2000-2011 Kiyasama 

Graphics designed by KiyaSama