Part Seven:

Love’s Labor’s Lost


Her angry cry ricocheted off the walls of the large hall and Darcia ducked to escape the glass vase that was thrown at him. It shattered into a million tiny pieces beside him and he suffered a cut on his cheek for his effort.

“You! You let them get away!” She screamed again and reached for a much larger object. Darcia’s eyes widened and then narrowed with irritation before making a dive for her. He knocked the lamp stand away from her hands and cried out as he felt her long fingernails claw into his already bleeding cheek. Hissing in pain, he lifted a hand to give her two good slaps across her face before flinging her away from him like a rag doll.

She hit the wall with a sickening thud and slid to the floor slowly. Her long and now unruly blonde locks covered her face as she lifted her hands to hide it from view. She crouched in the corner like a baby being reprimanded while Darcia loomed over her with a frown of impatience on his handsome features. His left cheek was bloody and had three deep grooves and as he licked idly at the blood that slipped into his lips, he gave a light snort and turned away.

You let them get away, my Lady,” he began coolly as he reached for a white cloth upon a table and wiped his face quickly. “If you had only listened to my advice to have them chained and kept in the lower section of the dungeon, they wouldn’t have escaped.”

He only received muffled sobs in response. Tossing the used cloth to the floor, he walked up to her and stared at the huddled mass for a while. With a sigh, he fell to his haunches and reached out to touch her.

“Leave me alone!” she cried out as she slapped his hand away. “Don’t you dare touch me!”

Not fazed by the rejection, he smiled coldly. “Then perhaps this news will cheer you up, my Lady.”

She stopped sniffling long enough to lift her head slowly. Her eyes looked red and puffy, her mascara creating unsightly black smudges upon her cheek. Her once perfect red lips were smeared as if she had been rubbing her lips angrily. “What news?” she asked warily.

“It was in the newspapers and local news on television this morning,” Darcia continued with a wan smile. “Do you remember the eccentric businessman Quent Yaiden?”

Her eyes widened and she shrank away with a cold hiss. “That fool. What about him?”

“Well, there was some sort of intrusion into his property last night and according to the police, he was hurt very badly. I hear he’s in the hospital now being treated for severe head wounds. Once he’s out, he’ll be taken to prison.”

“As he very well should be,” Jagara replied with a light snort. “But what has this got to do with me?”

Darcia gave a long suffering sigh. “Don’t you remember telling me something about Yaiden being a lost member of the nobles?”

Jagara raised a brow. “Yes, he is. His side of the family were rebels and decided to break away from the main bloodline. But what has this…?”

Darcia placed a finger against her lips to silence her. “Now think, my Lady. Quent has been running his underground business for quite some time, correct?”


“And many have wondered just how and where he gets his power from, right?”

“Yes, but…”

“We did some extensive research and discovered that he had two wolves in his employ, do you remember?”

He could see the slow light of understanding within her eyes and his smile widened. “The wolves were not as strong and did not serve our purposes.”

“That’s true,” she agreed as she sat up and wiped her eyes quickly. “So do you think…?”

“The police found neither of them on the premises but one of my sources tells me that they found two badly mutilated bodies in the house.”

Jagara’s heart skipped a beat. There was now a wild look in her violet eyes. “Oh dear…don’t tell me…they have…had him?”

“Hige told us that two men and a woman had come by to get Kiba. Putting two and two together, I realized that they must have taken him.” Darcia frowned in thought. “My Lady…do you think there are two Book of Wolves?”

“Nonsense!” the woman cried vehemently. “There’s only one copy and that’s in my possession.”

“So what would Quent want with Kiba?”

“How should I know?!” she screamed in frustration as she rose to her feet and began to pace the room frantically. “What if he’s taken Kiba already? If they couldn’t find any of the wolves there, then…then….what has happened to him?!”

Darcia rose to his feet and caught her arm as she walked by him again. Pulling her body flush against his, he cradled her cheek and whispered thickly against her lips. “Do you trust me, my Lady?”

Lost and mesmerized by the beauty of his blue eyes, she could only nod weakly in response. “Yes, yes, I do Darcia.”

“Then please allow me to bring back the white wolf to you as a token of my appreciation. I will make sure he is in your hands very soon. Will you trust me with that, my Lady?”

She looked skeptical for a moment, but as she felt his hand upon her left breast, she moaned and gave herself up to his brand of magic. “Yes…yes, I trust you, my Darcia.”

Their lips finally met in a slow kiss but as she closed her eyes to relish his taste, his blue depth remained open and cool with calculated victory.

Their harsh breathing kept growing louder by the second and Kiba was beginning to think that they should at least close the door if nothing else. He didn’t exactly want to entertain the thought of having Hige or Toboe finding out about this but Tsume’s fingers were still stretching him and Kiba could only sink his teeth into his partner’s shoulder as an incredible surge of pleasure shot up his spine. Tsume’s low growl of pain at the bite mingled with the wet sounds of their erections rubbing against each other. A light sheen of sweat had broken out on their heaving and well-toned bodies as they struggled not to give in to the primal sounds that lay impatient in their throats.

But dear gods, it was too hard not to want to cry out or say the words they so longed to. Kiba’s trembling body upon his was too much to bear and Tsume retaliated by burying his fingers even deeper within the warm and tight sheath. The dark-haired man could barely think at this point and he arched wantonly as something was stroked deep within him. His fingers dug deep grooves into Tsume’s arms, mindless of the tiny drops of blood that remained afterwards. He exploded with a soft cry – one he couldn’t control no matter how much he tried– as thick spurts of his seed coated their stomachs.

Hige suddenly gave an extraordinarily loud snore and Tsume hissed as Kiba slumped against him in exhaustion.

Damn it! This was not the way he had planned to take Kiba. His plans had involved throwing the other man on the ground somewhere rather spacious – if the place was tight, they would manage somehow – and ravish the clueless fool until they lost their minds in endless pleasure. He eyed his throbbing organ, groaning in misery at its unsatisfied state. Kiba’s hair was beginning to tickle his chin and as he withdrew his fingers, he swallowed thickly as Kiba shifted against him again with a low mumble.

“Hey…” he began softly. How the hell was he going to tell Kiba that he too needed to release the tension in his groin? He could just guide Kiba’s hand to it…but then again, didn’t Kiba know what to do already? If Tsume didn’t know any better, he would guess that the dark-haired man had never actually done this before…at least not with another man.

Great. Just great.

“Hey…hey, Kiba…do you…?” The words died in his throat as he finally realized that Kiba now felt a bit heavier against him. Tsume cocked his head to the side to take a good look and all but cursed in frustration as he saw that Kiba was now fast asleep. That’s right, the poor sap must have been through hell the past day or so and it was only natural for him to get some much needed sleep.

Tsume stared at the incredibly long lashes, wondering if Kiba had been teased about it when he had been a child. His features looked even younger and more relaxed than before. One would hardly believe that this was the same guy who could kill a person when extremely provoked. Tsume found himself unable to stop his fingers from tracing the sharp outline of Kiba’s nose or caressing the smooth curve of his swollen lips. To think that he would have never had the chance to taste them again and yet to have Kiba twice in one day…it was enough to make Tsume’s head reel with thoughts that were anything but innocent.

However, he knew he would have to keep his sinful thoughts to himself and allow Kiba to get some rest. Shifting a little, he lay back against the pillows and reached for the blanket to pull it over their bodies as carefully as possible. Settling Kiba comfortably against him, making sure his bandaged shoulder and arm were not strained, Tsume allowed his thoughts to wander towards the events of the day before.

He was sure he hadn’t killed Quent completely. He might have missed his vital organs when he had stabbed the bastard. This in turn meant that if Quent survived, their lives might still be in danger. And then there was that Jagara and Darcia to deal with. He hadn’t caught Hige’s entire story but from what he had heard, Jagara clearly needed Kiba for something. Unconsciously, his arm tightened around Kiba’s sleeping form in possessiveness, a dark frown upon his handsome features as he thought of what he could do. He would not be able to fight much with only an arm and if he had to deal with Darcia again, Tsume wasn’t sure he’d be able to hold up. Quent had been strong but that creepy Darcia had been a whole other problem in itself. Just what kind of power had the guy displayed at the bar anyway? It was as if he had only pointed a finger towards the bartender and it had thrown the old man across the room. If he had to fight such strength, would he prevail?

For how long would he have Kiba to himself, Tsume wondered. His fears and trepidations grew tenfold as the mid-morning sunlight filtered through the window and into the bedroom. He closed his eyes and tried to talk himself out of his irrational worries, but there was no doubt about it. Something lurked in the shadows waiting for them…waiting to destroy them…and he had a feeling that for the first time in his life, he might be powerless to stop it.

Darcia took a sip from his coffee and crossed his long legs hidden beneath a well-fitted pair of jeans. His black boot tapped the ground restlessly, his dark blue gaze watching the passersby absently. He had done away with the expensive shirts and suits that Jagara usually made him wear all the time. Now dressed in this casual black sweater and jeans, he felt he could be more himself. His long black hair had been tied back in a ponytail. He was still forced to wear the patch over his left eye and knew that it would begin to throb painfully whenever the wolves were near. It was a curse he had to live with over the years and it was only Jagara that had managed to find a way to stop him from going insane with the agony it wrought throughout his body each time it happened.

So just when had he sold his soul to Jagara? It would be ten years, five months and two days exactly, since the fateful day he had laid eyes on the woman. It had been a bitter winter morning and as usual, he had had to scrap around like a lowly dog for a meal here or there. He was a fifteen year old kid with no place to sleep or call home. He had wandered the streets, getting into fights and having to deal with being made fun of because of his ‘weird’ eye. He hadn’t wished to be born with it and could vaguely remember his mother trying to convince him of him not being a freak. He had never known his father and maybe that was a good thing for Darcia was sure he would have killed the bastard for abandoning his mother when he was still a baby. Darcia couldn’t remember how his mother had died – all he had known was that he had woken up one morning and had found her dead body beside him with a knife stuck in her chest. There had been no forced entry into their tiny apartment and the five year old had assumed that his mother had killed herself out of desperation and heartbreak.

He had been kicked out of the apartment a day later by the landlord with nothing to his name. He had no relatives he could go to and so had made the lower sections of the city his home until he had gotten into that damned fight with the boys from the Eastside. He had taken to covering his eye with an old patch he had found in a dumpster so the name-callings hadn’t been as much. However, the gang from the Eastside seemed to have another agenda. Their leader – some scrawny kid who had been older than Darcia by about two years – had hated the boy’s guts from the day they had met. It seemed like it was his personal duty to make sure Darcia suffered for existing.

The fight had been messy, bloody and Darcia had almost lost his life. He could remember being left for dead in that cold, bitter snow having lost count of how many times he had been kicked, punched and even stabbed. He had held his own for the most part, but just him against five bigger boys? It hadn’t seemed fair at all. He had prayed for death to end his suffering. People had walked by and over him hardly giving him a second glance after all, he was just another statistic in this slummy town.

But then she had stopped.

She with her expensive black boots and long flowing golden hair.

She had reached out to him with a smile.

He could remember his eye – how his weird, freakish eye – had seemed to throb in excitement at the sight of her.

Come with me, she had said with the voice of an angel. Come with me, my beautiful beast.

“Here’s your bill, sir.” The waiter placed the ticket on the table and walked away with a polite bow. Darcia reached for the small piece of paper and almost cried out as a sharp searing pain seemed to shoot down his spine from the very nerves in his eye. He slapped a hand over it and tried to even his harsh breathing. It had never been this strong before – this ache…this heat that seemed to coil in rapidly within his very soul.

He gripped the edge of the table and lifted his head slowly, trying to see through his shimmering eye at where or who the guilty party could be. It didn’t take long for Kiba to stand out like a beacon in the midst of the others that walked around him. For a moment, Darcia was sure he could see the rich white fur of the beautiful creature and those golden eyes trained on him, but blinking again, all he could see was Kiba standing in front of the bakery with his hands in the pockets of his jacket.

Darcia watched, unaware of how much tighter his grip was on the table, with abated breath. He had thought he had seen all that was beautiful or exquisite since living with Jagara but now…seeing Kiba in person, he could understand his mistress’s obsession. Kiba oozed an aura of danger – lethal, deadly, beautiful danger – in that casual stance of his. He could only see Kiba’s profile, but he was sure that the small smile that was coming to his lips was for the smaller boy that was running out of the store towards him. Darcia had seen the boy before and could care less about him. All he could see…all he wanted…

“Kiba…” he muttered thickly while licking suddenly dry lips slowly. “So you are the one she wants. I can see why.”

The pain in his eye had dulled to a throb and Darcia could control his breathing again. Signing the ticket quickly, he reached into his pocket to pull out his wallet. He hardly took his eyes off the two men now walking away from the bakery and tossing a wad of bills (way too much than necessary), Darcia rose to his feet and began to walk as quickly as he could after them.


“Whoa! Watch how you throw that thing,” Hige complained as he reached for his precious DVD collections. “They said they’d be right back. They just went to get something for us to eat.”

Tsume growled and stalked back into the bedroom to pick up a t-shirt. Hige dropped the DVDs he had gathered to go after the angry man. “Hey, listen…you know you can’t go out like that. Your shoulder…”

“Is fine,” Tsume finished tightly while cursing as maneuvering the simple t-shirt was turning out to be a chore. “You could have just sent only Toboe.”

“Why?!” Hige replied in disbelief. “You know he can’t just go out on his own now. Who knows what might be out there waiting for him…”

“And Kiba should be out as well?” Tsume retorted. He flung the shirt in frustration and paced the room restlessly. “You shouldn’t have let him go!”

“Yeah, try telling Kiba ‘no’,” Hige said with a snort. “He didn’t even wait for me to wake up completely before leaving the place with Toboe. I couldn’t stop him! He would have kicked my ass anyway.”

“That’s not the point!”

How? How could he make Hige see just what lay at stake here? How could he tell this fat fool that it was not just the thought of allowing Kiba to go out on his own but the dangers that faced him? He knew Kiba could hold his own in a fight but it still didn’t stop Tsume from feeling that he was about to lose a battle here. There was something or someone out there that was just waiting to destroy this farce of a peaceful life they had at the moment.

“You’re worried about Jagara and Darcia right?” Hige asked softly as he watched Tsume sink to the bed. The brown-haired man scratched his head and smiled. “I wouldn’t. Remember the only way they could track Kiba was with that jacket he had been wearing in the beginning? But now they’re going to have a hard time pinpointing him. Besides…these are only two people and…”

“You know Darcia’s strength, don’t you?” Tsume asked quietly as he glanced at Hige warily. “You know that he’s no ordinary person.”

Hige remained silent and shuffled his feet. Tsume’s eyes narrowed.

“Is there something you aren’t telling us, Hige?” he asked coolly.

The younger man sighed and shrugged. “Look…I’ve lived in this city all my life, all right. I grew up hearing about Darcia and his…” He waved his hand lightly. “…this kid with a weird eye and to stay away from him. I’m sure that before he joined Jagara, he wasn’t as strong as he is now. Maybe…”

“Jagara trained him?”

“Highly likely,” Hige agreed with a frown. “But I’m sure Kiba can hold his own…right? He won’t be easily swayed…”

“You didn’t see the look in his eyes,” Tsume interrupted quietly as he turned his head away to stare out of the window. “Kiba might be a fighter, but he’s also a curious bastard. He’ll want to know everything about who he really is. Even I want to know who I am.”


“He won’t rest until he finds out the truth,” Tsume finished with a frown. “That’s the kind of guy Kiba is. And if it means going into the very mouth of danger, that fool will do it without a second thought.”

Hige swallowed tightly and turned away as well. A heavy silence fell in the room as both men began to wonder just what could lay in store for them. Hige didn’t know Kiba that well and had just met Toboe last night, but he found that he was already concerned about these two men like they were his own flesh and blood. Perhaps it was this whole ‘being a wolf’ thing that was working right now for the thought of losing his two new friends was something he didn’t like at all.


“We’ll wait,” he finally said with a small but tight smile. “We’ll wait until they come home. The bakery isn’t that far and they should be back in half an hour at least. If not…”

He left the sentence unfinished but stealing another look at Tsume and catching the knowing golden depths, they both knew that they’d have to go ‘hunting’ again.

And this time, the outcome might be a little different from the night before.

Toboe found himself genuinely enjoying Kiba’s company. It was fun to show off all the city’s landmarks to Kiba who didn’t seem to know very much about his whereabouts. They had bought the food for dinner but Kiba had wanted to walk around a bit longer and Toboe had been more than happy to oblige.

He couldn’t stop grinning as he held the two ice cream cones in his hands and walked towards Kiba who was waiting for him on the park bench. It was turning out to be a beautiful evening and the sun was just about to sink in the horizon. It cast a lovely orange glow across the landscape and for a moment, one could almost forget that they were in the relative slums of the city.

“Here you go,” Toboe said as he gave Kiba his vanilla flavored cone. He took a lick of his cherry flavored ice cream and sat down with a sigh of content. “Do you like it?”

He felt his cheeks flush as he watched Kiba’s tongue flicker out to taste the sweet dessert. He still hadn’t forgotten just how that tongue had been used yesterday in a much different way.

“Mmm, it’s very good,” Kiba agreed with a smile. He licked his lips and then leaned closer to have a taste of Toboe’s. “And that’s good as well.”

“Hey!” Toboe tried to nudge Kiba for ‘stealing’ but still giggled happily. “Whoops…now look what you made me do.”

Kiba eyed the red stain on the young boy’s jacket. “I’m sorry,” he began in apology. “I should go get some napkins to…”

“No, I’ll get it, don’t worry!” Toboe said quickly as he rose to his feet. “It’s my fault anyway for not holding it tightly enough. I’ll be right back, so don’t you go anywhere without me!” He called out quickly as he began to run back to the ice cream stand.

He could hardly believe that just yesterday he had almost lost his life and now here he was eating ice cream with Kiba. His footsteps slowed as the enormity of the situation began to weigh on him. How could he afford to be happy when the man who had looked after him all his life was probably dead? How could he be happy after seeing how miserable his ‘sister’, Blue, had been last night?

“Blue…” he whispered softly as he stopped with a sad smile on his young features. “If only…”

“Trust you to be around such a place, Toboe,” came the soft statement that him turning around quickly.

His eyes widened in genuine shock at the woman dressed in a white overcoat. Her hair and face was hidden beneath a black scarf and dark sunglasses but Toboe would have recognized her anywhere.

“Blu…Blu…Blue!” he cried out in joy as he raced towards her with arms outstretched. He wasn’t aware that the tears had begun to fall as he felt her strong arms around his body. “You came,” he whispered thickly amongst his harsh sobs. “You came. Just like I knew you would.”

She said nothing but held his trembling body as tightly as possible. She would let him grieve for now and when she felt he was ready enough, she would do her best to talk him out of his madness he had descended into.


Kiba eyed his fingers that were now sticky and wet with melted vanilla. He had never had such a sweet dessert before…or maybe he had and just couldn’t remember it. He lifted his fingers to his lips and began to suck on them slowly, hoping to get as much of the stickiness out of them as possible. However, as he licked, he felt his cheeks growing warm at the memory of feeling Tsume’s fingers deep within him earlier in the day. It had felt incredibly good…a type of good that was not as sweet as ice cream though but still delicious all the same. He wondered if Tsume would want to touch him like that again or better yet if Tsume would allow himself to be touched that intimately. Now that was something Kiba realized he would like to find out.

And to think he had fallen asleep in Tsume’s arms…that thought alone was enough to make him want to…

“Ah, forgive me for bothering you but I am looking for a pet of mine. You wouldn’t happen to have seen a little wolf walk by now, have you?”

Kiba lifted his head so quickly that he hardly felt the ice cream slip from his fingers and to the ground. His feral instincts kicked in sharply. The scent…that scent that he was now so familiar with reeled off this man standing before him in waves. Kiba was sure he was going to faint from just how strong and potent it was and he grit his teeth as he felt his entire body flush with heat in reaction to the taller man’s presence.

He braced himself in readiness for a fight but as he stared into an endless pool of blue, he felt his breath catch in his throat as Darcia held out his hand to him.

“Forgive me for not introducing myself, Kiba,” the taller man said with a warm smile. “My name is Darcia and I would like to speak to you…alone.”