Trials and Errors:




(Sometime in the afternoon):


I never knew how cold steel handcuffs could feel around my wrists or how dank and wet a prison cell could smell. It isn’t exactly a prison – but it’s a cell no less (the warden had called it a ‘holding’ room but I’m not sure if he was just saying that to make us feel better about our situation) - like there’s anything really good about our current state of affairs.


This is the City’s Juvenile Delinquent Hall building. It serves as a courthouse, a ‘holding’ cell and even as a boarding house for kids who can’t seem to get their marbles intact. Justice is swift and handled promptly around these parts, so there’s no waiting line for cases or punishment for offenders. Whatever the case may be, our small section of hell – which is this small room of concrete and steel bars - is very uncomfortable and a bit chilly. There are two hard wooden benches, which we have been sitting on for almost an hour now. Several graffiti with quite colorful words dot the wall here and there and one can see that the janitors or whatever they’re called, had been trying their best to scrub them off to no avail. All they had managed to do was create even more of a mess and so jagged marks of ink and possible steel brushes have added a chaotic mosaic to the concrete canvas.


Quatre sneezes and I glance at him with a worried look. He looks slightly pale as he sits with his head lowered and his cuffed hands between his knees. His blond hair (he had begun to grow it out for the past few months) hangs like a small curtain around his face. I watch as Trowa moves closer to him to whisper something in his ear. I’m not sure of what he says but it seems to reassure Quatre a little as he smiles softly in response.


Wufei’s leaning against the wall with a scowl on his visage. He’s been staring out of the steel bars for a while now as if hoping that someone would finally notice him. I can literally hear his need to scream or yell at someone, but he’s doing his best to restrain himself. However, I really don’t see why I should be supporting him in anyway. He’s the one who got us into this mess to begin with - if only they had listened to me when I had begged them to get a lousy pass none of them this would have happened.


But despite my regret and bitterness, the most surprising of all is that Duo’s in here with us!


Soon enough, I feel his head touch my shoulder again. He jerks a little and mumbles a soft apology before struggling to sit upright again. He’s been trying not to fall asleep and has been oddly cool about our predicament so far.


But I guess I ought to explain just how the hell we got in here in the first place. (It’s very unfortunate that someone had forgotten to tell us that the vice-principal had been a former police chief and that his no nonsense or zero policy on stealing was likely to get us sent to prison.)


Anyway, so there we were, quite panicked in Duo’s apartment as the police cars made their way into the yard. Duo, for his part, was struggling into his clothes while darting furtive glances around his room to make sure that he had nothing incriminating against him. I was praying for divine interference in the form of lightening striking and killing our pursuers, but the gods had abandoned me at that time. Quatre was beginning to mutter something about his father killing him while Trowa and Wufei looked worried but not worried enough in my opinion. For some reason, that pissed me off. I wasn’t even sure of what I would tell my parents if they got a wind of this. I was already beginning to conjure up some kind of story or another to appease their anger, which was going to inevitable. This was a tarnish on the Yuy record and it just had to come from their one and only son.


Oh yeah, and there was Andre of course – can’t forget about him - who dumbly figured that perhaps going out to talk to the police would help to clear up a few things. We had all pleaded with him not to go but he must have assumed that he was doing a favor or two.


Unfortunately for the fool, once he took a step outside, the police pounced upon him like dogs in heat.


It was not a pretty sight, believe me.


As the officers came in to take us away, it felt like a good time for Duo to claim his innocence of the whole matter. But to our surprise, he had smiled and held out his hands and had not protested…much (There had been a moment when he had gone into a tirade about our rights as humans and how we had a right to be heard and why the hell did the police cars stink so much.) Needless to say, Duo got a good cuffing from the officer who had the task of driving the raving teen. Andre was let go since he had nothing to do with it and as the cars began to drive out of the yard, I looked back to see him bickering with an officer over something.


Duo was in the same car with me or rather I had ‘forced’ myself to be put in the same car with him. A careful positioning of myself beside the left side of the vehicle had caused that by the way. I had tried to catch Duo’s gaze a few times, but he had deliberately kept his head lowered (he hadn’t had the time to braid it) and his face hidden from my view. I had worried my lip several times wondering how I could possibly apologize for bringing him into this mess. But each time I felt I had managed to get the right words in my mind, my lips would refuse to part to let them go. They seemed to be lodged somewhere in my throat and it was becoming incredibly hard to swallow.


To cut a long story short, we were brought to the facility, had our names taken down, mug shots and finger prints taken and now locked in here until it was time for our trial (I did mention that our judicial system is quite fast). However, it does seem a bit too much for just taking a car that we had plans to return. I mean, it wasn’t as if we were planning to leave the country or anything.


Duo’s head falls on my shoulder again and this time, he doesn’t bother to lift it. His light snore tells me that he’s out like a light and from the heat that seems to sear right through my uniform, I can tell that his fever isn’t gone completely. Damn! Why had he come with us? He’s clearly not completely a hundred percent and yet he had sacrificed his health for us. I shift a little and lift my cuffed hands a bit higher causing Duo’s head to slide down onto my lap. He mumbles something incoherent and makes himself a bit more comfortable. I’m really trying not to blush too hard as his face is dangerously close to a very sensitive region. But as I look at his sleeping visage, I feel nothing but a fierce protectiveness that’s a bit frightening. At this point, I feel like saying to hell with what happens to me! All I care about is Duo’s safety and well being right now. I lower my hands slowly and begin to tentatively brush his thick and slightly matted hair gently. Even though it’s still a bit damp, it’s texture is quite pleasing to my touch.


I suddenly feel the spine tingly weight of someone or some persons stare and lifting my head slowly, I flush darkly in embarrassment as I notice my friends all glued to the scene I and Duo must be presenting. I lift my hands and cough lightly before forcing a scowl on my features.


“What…what are you guys looking at?”


Wufei smirks and says nothing. Trowa and Quatre are smiling as well but thankfully they don’t tease me about it. I guess we’re all so solemn about what’s about to happen to us, that we have no time to tease each other mercilessly. Believe me, if we had been hanging out on any other day, I wouldn’t have heard the last of it from them.


Soon enough, the sound of jangling keys, the scrap of metal against concrete and the burly figure of Officer Hisoka – a man in his late forties or so with shocking white hair – seems to fill the expanse of the entrance and break through our reverie. He holds up his clipboard and begins to proclaim rather flatly.


“Wufei Chang, Quatre Rebarba Winner, Trowa Barton, Heero Yuy and Duo Maxwell are hereby called for your trial hearing on the two counts of breaking and theft of one Mister Kentaro’s vehicle on this fourteenth day of August. You will be escorted to the courtroom where you will have a lawyer as selected by the State to represent you…”


“Eh…how come we don’t get to see this lawyer first?” Duo suddenly asks and I start in surprise. I hadn’t even realized he was now awake…although his head is still on my lap for some reason. “We just walk into the courtroom and he’s ready to defend us when he didn’t even hear our story…?”


“I don’t remember asking you to interrupt me, Mister…”


“Maxwell,” Duo replies with a small salute. Gah, he’s still lying on my lap! Not that I’m complaining but…oh god…if he moves one more time…


Officer Hisoka seems to digest Duo’s name as he breaks into a tight smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. I think he’s dealt with one too many smart-mouthed kids before and Duo wasn’t going to make a dent on him today.


“Duo Maxell – sixteen years old – third year student at Fujisaki High – admitted with one of the highest scores in the Entrance Exams…”


I stiffen and wonder how Duo’s feeling at that, but stealing a quick glance at him shows that the boy hardly looks any different. His face is still flushed from his fever but that small and rather indulgent smile is still on his countenance. I feel like kicking him and asking him just what the hell he’s doing! He’s only making matters worse for himself by aggravating the officer.


“You haven’t been arrested for anything…yet,” Hisoka continues as he begins to tap the clipboard against his heavy thighs. “But I get the feeling I’ll be seeing you again soon, Maxwell.”


Duo says nothing and assuming that his words have gotten through; Hisoka finally begins to take a long hard look at each of us. We all try our best to meet his impassive gaze and when it settles on me, I straighten up a bit more and meet it with open defiance. I watch as his eyes narrow but all he does is give a light snort before muttering something under his breath about rich kids with nothing to do in their spare time.


“Come along now, boys,” he announces again as he steps away from the exit to make way for us to pass. “You have half an hour with your lawyer before you can enter the courtroom, so make good use of that time to present your case – if you’ve got one that is.”


He snickers at his own joke as we all begin to rise slowly to our feet. Duo pushes himself up and away from me and I feel a bit bereft at his lack of warmth. He offers me a small smile of gratitude before turning away to walk behind Quatre. Wufei leads, then Trowa, Quatre, Duo and then me. The heavy sound of the metal bars sliding back in place and the light tinkering sound of our handcuffs fills me with a cold dread that feels like chips of solid ice in the pit of my stomach. I can hear Officer Hisoka whistling softly behind me as he flanks us. In front, a younger officer leads the way towards a flight of stairs that seems to lead into the upper section of the building. A heavy wood door is pushed open and we step onto a narrow walkway that looks like a bridge within the building. I notice that we are about two flights up and looking down and into the people loitering below us in the lobby seems a bit surreal.


What’s even more surreal is the sudden appearance of…Relena, Hilde, Dorothy, Zechs and Sally! I guess I’m not the only one that noticed them as the other guys gasp in surprise. They notice us as well and before we know what’s happening, Relena’s waving up at us.


“Hey guys! We’ve got you the best lawyer the State can offer! You guys will be out of here in no time!”


I cannot look into Zechs’ eyes because I know there will be disappointment within them. I was supposed to be the model of excellence and all that was good in Fujisaki High. I knew he had wanted me to take his position as Student Council President but now…I wonder what he must think of me.


“In here, boys,” the young officer says as he pushes open another door. We step into a small room with about ten chairs and a desk all arranged rather neatly. Around the room and upon the walls are pictures of prominent members of the police force and upstanding citizens of society. On the left side of the room, is another door with the words ‘Court Room 10’ written on a small black plaque. We are motioned to make ourselves comfortable on the chairs as Hisoka knocks lightly on the courtroom door and is ushered in quickly. I manage to catch a brief look inside the room and only get to see that it’s well-lit and that there are several other people in there. Just as the door closes, the one we had just come in from opens up again and we get a first look at the man who will be representing us.


Dorothy…Dorothy’s father, uncle, older brother??! (We had never seen any relative of hers, now that I think of it.)


“I didn’t know Dorothy’s father was a lawyer,” Duo mumbles beside me and I shrug lightly in response. He’s quite tall and handsome…if you like them looking like they had just stepped out of the pages of a men’s magazine or something. He is dressed in a sharp-looking dark blue business suit and his blond hair looks sleek and combed away from his striking features. What makes us assume he’s Dorothy’s father is that he has the same forked eyebrows that our female classmate has. But that is just about where the resemblance ends. Dorothy doesn’t seem like a spawn of this guy or perhaps there is a race of forked-eye browed beings that I don’t know about.


“Well, well, well…what do I have here?”


His voice is rich and deep – smooth like chocolate and just as saccharine. He breaks into a smile that reveals perfect teeth. In a swift move, he places his briefcase upon the table while staring at us with undeniable interest. He makes himself comfortable on a chair and crosses his right leg over his left knee. He then forms a temple with his index fingers before tapping them gently against his lower lip (meanwhile, we are all still staring at him as if hoping that he might just be a figment of our imagination and disappear or something and damn! But his cologne is quite strong – almost choking!). He continues to tap his lips gently for a few more minutes and just when I think I’m going to go insane with that motion; he swivels around quickly and opens up his briefcase. With a flourish, he whips out a notepad and a pen and breaking into another wide grin, he points towards me.


“Heero Yuy, correct? Let’s hear your story.”






Our lawyer’s name is Treize Kushrenada and he’s believed to be one of the greatest young lawyers in the history of the State. He’s won over a hundred cases in his career and has only suffered about two or three loses. He’s a close family friend to the Peacecrafts and with the subtle but meaningful glances that he had been exchanging with upperclassman Zechs during the trial; I am beginning to wonder just how close their family relationship is.


Speaking of the trial, it had been one chaotic mess. The courtroom had been filled with our classmates (Relena and the others), the owner of the car, Vice-Principal Kentaro and a few members of staff. One or two guards and a few random students who had ‘witnessed’ our theft had been called in as witnesses and of course there had been the prosecuting lawyers, a jury of twelve and the officers. I was extremely grateful that no one had sent for our parents yet, but I was sure that they must have been briefed on the wrong doings of their sons.


But then again…what about Duo? He hasn’t spoken of any parent to date and I had noticed that he had no pictures of anyone that looked like family in his apartment. I mentally added that to my list of things to find out about him later on.


During the trial (thankfully, our handcuffs had been taken off), Treize had presented quite a case to the judge. Treize had asked each of us for a recount of events starting with me of course and I had been pleasantly surprised by how well he managed to fit the pieces together to convince the jury that we had only taken the car out of desperation. We had planned to return it after taking our sick friend to the hospital and would the jury consider it wrong to have done such a thing to save someone’s life? Of course, the prosecutor had countered with the simple argument that we should have taken a pass from the authorities or better yet used Quatre’s car to ‘break out’ of school if we had been that desperate. So not only had we broken the school rules, we had stolen a car we shouldn’t have and that was a grave offense in any one’s book. All in all, there was no way around our crimes, we were to be expelled from school effective immediately.


I think we all paled considerably at that news - at least I know I did. I had been too stunned by that sentence to even think at the time.


I was expelled! Expelled from High School!


Just how the hell had my life come crashing down so fast?! I was supposed to be a model student! I had great plans for the future! I was supposed to be admitted into Tokyo University once I graduated from high school! So why in the world was I in a courtroom about to be sentenced to my career death?! I think it was safe to say that I was absolutely infuriated with my so-called friends. If it wasn’t for them, I would still be in school right now studying for a test or two. If it wasn’t for them, I would have been on my way home, preparing my speech for the debate on Tuesday. I would have gone back to my daily routine of going to classes and going back home at the end of the day.


God, I hated them!


I barely paid much attention to anything else that happened afterwards. All I could remember was the distressed cries of the girls and watching the smug grin that had came upon Kentaro’s face. I could vaguely hear Treize saying that he would have to appeal the decision or something to that effect but I couldn’t be sure. What was the point anyway? We were no longer students of Fujisaki High. My dreams of becoming something great had all come crashing down to a halt.


And it was all because of my friends.







(In the wee hours of the morning):




Blissful and wonderful solitude is all I have for company.


I wrap my arms tighter around my raised knees and bury my face into them. My apartment is still dark (well it is still dark outside) as I haven’t pulled apart the curtains for the past day or two. I have unplugged my telephone, switched off my cell-phone and even my laptop (which I can’t do without) has been locked away. I have not left the house since we were allowed to return back to our respective homes. Several people have come by but I’ve stubbornly ignored their desperate calls and knocks on my door. What’s most aggravating is that we hadn’t even been allowed to step into the school grounds to clean out our things! Not that I would have gone there anyway. How could I show my face to anyone in school?


My parents must have heard the news by now. There’s no way they wouldn’t have. I now regret giving duplicate keys to them and to the guys – heh, friends – when I had moved in. But thankfully, none of them have bothered to stop by. I think they realize that I do not wish to see them at this time…if ever.


I don’t care if its selfish of me or unfair. I just don’t like to see my plans thwarted because of something that could have been prevented. I have gone over the events of that day over and over again wondering if I should have been firmer with them. I would like to blame it all on my friends but I think my blame is beginning to shift towards someone else. Yes, that’s right.


It’s all Duo’s fault.


If he hadn’t been sick, I wouldn’t have thought of going to his place to visit him. I would not have felt so concerned and worried to the extent that my friends had noticed it. I would not have allowed my emotions to become so fickle and my resolve weak just at the thought of him.


Damn it! If only that bastard hadn’t come into my life, none of this would have happened! Since that fateful day he had been introduced by Mister Kenichi my world has become one huge mess. He dared to touch me so intimately – dared to confuse me – dared to assume that he had the right to make me so emotional and so…


What the…?


I lift my head slowly suddenly aware of two things. One, I was no longer alone and two, the culprit was staring right at me on his hands and knees with a small smirk lighting his handsome features. I am not sure of how long we remained gaping at each other in surprise before I quickly let loose the frustration and anger that has been building up within me.




“Hello, Heero!”




I make a dive for him and almost lose my balance as he tries to move out of reach. Luckily for me, his feet get tangled up beneath him and he falls flat on his back, giving me the opportunity I need to straddle him and to wrap my hands around his neck. I’m going to choke the life out of him and perhaps regain my sanity again!


“You bastard! You fucked up bastard! This…this is all your fault!”


He’s wheezing and trying to pry off my hands as he struggles beneath me.


“Hee…Heero…” he gasps and tries to lodge me off my thrusting his hips upwards roughly. “Get…get your hands off me!” With a sudden burst of strength, he throws me off and now I’m the one lying on the floor. He growls and tries to grab my wrists to pin them down beside me, but he seems to forget that I do not have a black belt in karate for nothing. With a swift jerk of my knee, I give him a rude awakening and listening to his small cry of pain, I gain the upper hand again. This time, I grab a fistful of his t-shirt and yank him towards me so fast that our noses brush for a second.


“What the hell are you doing here?! I had my door locked, you moron! Wasn’t that a good enough sign for you to stay the fuck out?!”


“I can pick through any lock, remember?” he retorts just as angrily even though he’s breathing just as hard as I am. “And what’s with you?! You’re not the only one who’s suffering you know!”


“Oh yeah! Oh yeah?! And just what do you know about suffering, you ungrateful son-of-a-bitch! My whole life is ruined! Ruined! And for what?! Just because I had to listen to a bunch of assholes who wanted to see you!”


“I didn’t ask you guys to come!” he bellows and surprisingly sinks his fingers into my hair to tug it rather hard. I try not to wince as my vision blurs at the pain. “You came sneaking into my house too or have you forgotten?! Now stop acting like an asshole and calm the fuck down!”


He releases me quickly and I find my grip slipping at the same time. We continue to stare at each other - angry and slowly but surely now aware of just how intimate our positions are. With a groan, I roll off his body and fall to the floor beside him. I place an arm over my eyes and try to will down the growing bulge within my shorts as I turn to my side so as not to let him notice. This is definitely not the time to start thinking of screwing Duo senseless or even imagining him naked!


I don’t know how long we’ve been like this on the floor, but I am lost in my confusing thoughts of wanting to spill all my frustrations to him. I want to hate him and yet I wish to let him know my innermost thoughts. I want to throttle him and yet to hug him as tightly as I can and to never let him go. I need to let go of the tears that I’ve refused to shed – to become ‘weak’ again for just a moment but I can’t. I can never give in to that.


“I’ve always admired you, you know…”


I stiffen but refuse to turn around. My heartbeat is quickening for some reason and I do not know why. But I have the feeling that Duo’s about to tell me something rather personal and I do not want to miss this opportunity. But…he’s always…admired me? Why?


“You just had it all,” he continues quietly as I try to sense some malice in his tone, but to my surprise there’s none at all. “You once came to my high school in your first year for a debate competition. I wasn’t in the club at the time but the buzz was all over school, you know? The Great Students of Fujisaki High were coming to lil’ ol’ Furiken for a competition. I was one of the guys asked to clean up the hall and then you guys walked in to practice or something. And…and that was when I first saw you.”


Why…why does my chest feel so tight?


He laughs softly and continues. “Of course you wouldn’t have noticed me either way. You had this really serious look on your face and you were practicing your lines and everything and you just didn’t have the time to notice anything else around you. Not that I blame you or anything. You were like…way out of my reach, you know? And I was a nothing back then.”


I can feel my cheeks flaming with color at that statement. I really had been one-track minded, hadn’t I?


“I’m not dumb, Heero,” he says firmly. “Furiken isn’t as snotty as Fujisaki but I was still smart enough to get into that school with good grades. But…but I didn’t want to be there. I wanted to be…”


I think I can literally hear him blush.


“I wanted to be with you – to see for myself if you were really…real.”


What the hell does that mean? I’m not a fucking robot!


“You hadn’t even spoken to me and yet I was…nuts about you.”

Oh god…what is he saying?


“But it was already too late to become a student of Fujisaki. If I had to enroll into this school, I’d have to do something drastic. Hence…hence my…eh…crime.”


What the…? I turn around quickly in disbelief, only to flush again as I meet his amused gaze. “You…you’re kidding right? But the information I saw…”


“Ah ha, so you were spying on me!”


“No…well…yes!” I defend myself quickly, wondering why I’m feeling even more flustered than before. Knowing that Duo forged his results just to come to Fujisaki to see me seems a bit too far-fetched and incredulous. “I don’t…I don’t believe you’d willingly jeopardize your future just to be in a school with me! What about all those newspaper clippings in your apartment? You’ve cheated your way through schools to gain admission so don’t give me that crap about…aah…what are you doing?!”


He’s leaning over me now with his hand cupping my chin gently. I try to avert his gaze but he keeps my face steady and I am forced to stare into the eyes that I now really notice are as blue as mine - only darker. My gaze falls to his lips, my heartbeat racing faster as he parts them to say something but all I can think of is memories of how they had tasted and felt against mine. It seems like we had last touched each other a million years ago and I am unaware of the needy sound that escapes my lips as I arch into him gently.


“I came to be with you,” he continues to say so softly, that I get the sense that his words are floating away from me. Is it just me or is he moving so much closer now? I can feel his warm breath upon my skin and I give a reluctant moan of impatience.


If you’re going to kiss me, then do it already! My mind screams. Make me stop feeling anything remotely connected to reality, Duo. Maybe if I try really hard enough, I can pretend as if my expulsion and that whole scenario in court had never happened.


“You hated me on sight. You felt I was a threat. You had your friends and you didn’t need someone like me around. What could I do? I had to get your attention somehow. I had to make you know that I wasn’t to be ignored, Heero. I wanted you…to want me…”




His lips. Oh, sweet god, his lips are like liquid fire on my skin as he begins to trail them along my jaw and down to the hollow of my neck. I close my eyes and willingly allow him to toy with the small swell there as my entire body shivers in anticipation of what’s to come. I wrap my arms tightly around his shoulders. I can feel the muscles beneath his t-shirt clench and tighten with a tension that seems to seep through to me. But this is no time for regret, I’ll have to make him continue or I’m sure he’ll taunt me and leave me begging again.




Finally! Finally, our tongues meet, a bit tentatively as if exploring each other for the first time. I whimper in response to his teasing and part my lips a bit more to allow him to take as much as he wants. But, I can sense him trying to pull away as he tries to call out my name, but damn it, Duo! I’m not letting you go so easily.


With a swift move of my legs and hips, I spin us around quickly and without tearing my lips away from his, I plunge into his mouth ruthlessly with a frustration and need that I cannot control. I can feel his hands try to hold onto my upper arms, but I capture both wrists and pin them above his head to hold him prisoner. I moan thickly, my tongue happily tasting and discovering Duo’s different taste that seems to be a blend of something sweet and yet spicy (maybe the last meal he ate or something?). His body heaves and thrusts against me in response and I willingly press mine into his realizing with an inner triumph that I’ve gotten him right where I want.


I slowly release his now swollen lips with a teasing lick and begin to savor the slightly salty flesh of his neck. God, but he sounds so damn hot when he continues to moan like that.




I’ve managed to trap his wrists with a hand and although, I’m still sucking on his skin, my free hand has now made its way beneath his t-shirt to find and caress his sensitive nipples gently. I must confess that I have never gone all the way with a guy before. In fact, I’ve never gone anywhere with a guy before and I’m only going by instinct and guessing what would feel good to Duo. So far, it seems as if I’m doing a good job of things because he’s practically trembling against me. Better yet, from the hard jab against my stomach, I know he’s more than ready to score a homerun.


I push his t-shirt up higher and smile as I watch those rose tipped nubs harden within the cold air in the room.


“Hee…Heero…please…I…I haven’t…I can’t…aaah!”


Mmmm…they are just as sweet as I had imagined. My tongue flicks back and forth hungrily around his right nipple. He jerks a little and I vaguely hear a harsh sob as I lift my head slowly to see if I’m hurting him or not. But his eyes are screwed shut and to my surprise and growing concern, I notice the faint trail of tears that slide down his cheeks.


Oh great. My first attempt at making out with someone and I end up hurting them!


“Duo…Duo? Are you okay? I didn’t mean to…”


“Oh fuck…” he groans thickly and it takes me only a second to realize that my lower body is now warm, wet and quite sticky. He turns his face away in embarrassment and then promptly pushes me off, leaving me half-sitting on the floor in bemusement. He stumbles to his feet and begins to make his way towards my bathroom.


“God damn it! I tried to tell you to stop, didn’t I, Heero?” he yells over his shoulder and even though he’s trying to act angry, I can still tell he’s humiliated over coming so soon. And as he slams the door to the bathroom behind him, I allow a smirk of confidence to come to my visage.


Well, this is a great turn of events. Who would have thought that I, who has been taunted and teased for being such a prude, could end up causing the most handsome guy I’ve ever seen, to come so quickly?


Hn. I think my ego has just been inflated by a million points this morning. But now, I’m going to have to think of ways to keep Duo at my mercy or at least to keep him here for the rest of the day without getting him bored in my company.


Now, that wouldn’t be so hard to achieve…would it?





~End Period Eleven~