Title: School Tales: Summer Memoirs (1)
Pairings: 1x1, 2x2
Warnings: AU, Heero POV, yaoi, gratuitous self-pleasure, cross-dressing
Rating: Very NC-17
Notes: Unbeta'd - so any errors you see are mine and mine alone. ><;;

Summer Memoirs 1:


“Move it a little bit to the left…steady now…steady now…perfect!”


I give a heavy grunt as I sag against the huge boulder in exhaustion. I have long given up on wearing my t-shirt as sweat from my exertions have made it next to impossible to bear. I lift a hand to wave weakly at my smiling father, who doesn’t look as if he’s been out here for five hours. I almost envy his stamina and strength – admire his commitment to whatever he’s set his mind to doing. I have vowed to be like him when I grow older and what better way to attain my goal but to get my butt off this boulder and join him again.


“You can take a break if you want, Heero,” he yells towards me as he begins to lift the heavy bags of manure from the back of his truck. “I’ll just get these last few rows done down here and then…”


“It’s okay, father,” I say quickly, pushing myself off my resting place and jogging towards him. “I can work.”


I know he’s watching me warily as I make a move to lift up a bag. “You’ve been working pretty hard all morning, son. Your mother’s going to kill me if I bring you back home looking too tired. I really don’t feel like sleeping on the couch again tonight.”


I laugh softly at the statement, knowing full well about he and mother’s tendencies to argue over how much I am being overworked. But I don’t mind really. I need the exercise and fresh air and my parents’ decision to come to our countryside home for the summer was the best idea they’ve had yet.


I love it here. It’s a rather picturesque setting and I have spent many summers here since the day I could think. Our home – a modest three bedroom, four bathroom building– sits beside a natural lake that’s set against a breathtaking backdrop of pine trees and mountains in the horizon. The lake is quite large and every morning from my window, it would clear from its foggy state to sparkle like a million and one stars once the sun made its way into the sky. We have two boats – small wooden but sturdy boats – that I have used on more than one occasion. I don’t consider myself an expert rower yet, but I’m getting there.


On the other side of the house, is about eight or more acres of land, which have been converted into a garden/farm. Father had built a large barn in my eighth year and a stable in my tenth. We have five beautiful horses that are my responsibilities. Mr. Akinawa had been hired to help as well. He’s a very cool guy who knows all about those great beasts and how to take good care of them. He’s our closest neighbor - and I say that because he lives about five miles away from us. That’s just how isolated our country house is.


Mr. Akinawa lives with his wife and two sons, who seem to regard me as an older brother. They usually come down to spend some time with us during the weekends and I hate to admit that being with the twin ten-year olds, is always fun. It is hard being an only child, you know. There are times when I wish I could have a little brother or sister…or even an older one to look up to and share some of my pains and frustrations or happiness with. You can only share so much with your parents after all.


Anyway, I’m sure you all want to know what’s been happening with the others and I’ll do my best to fill you in. I haven’t had much communication with them since classes came to an end three weeks ago to be honest.


I’ll begin with Relena. The last time I heard from her was two weeks ago through email (well, we all keep in touch through email). She and her brother, Zechs, along with their parents were traveling to Eastern Europe for their vacation. She had complained about how boring it was going to be living in their huge castle-like home in Sanq, but I could tell that she was excited beneath her curt sentences. She promised to take lots of pictures and send them to me…and then finished with a note saying that Zechs wishes he could have me as a playmate.


I even blush now at the way that boy still has the ability to tease and make me uncomfortable even when he’s a million miles away.


Hilde and Dorothy had made plans to spend their vacations traveling around Japan and I received an email from Hilde a few days ago telling me all about how much fun she was having. She had sent pictures as well – some of her and Dorothy dressed in some rather colorful outfits or in kimonos or eating and making faces. I felt a bit envious at the happiness that seemed to emanate from the electronic images. I missed my native country a lot since I haven’t been there since I was about seven or so. Perhaps I can persuade father to let us go there for the Christmas holidays at least.


Wufei – my dear friend Wufei – was spending the vacation…well back home. His parents hadn’t made plans for anywhere exciting and he had decided to get two jobs over the summer to get enough money for a new car and his own apartment. It all seems a bit odd, considering Wufei’s parents are just as loaded as mine. But, we boys have a sense of pride and do not wish to ride on our parents coattails for the rest of our lives. We last spoke two nights ago over the phone. He sounded like he was in good spirits and his relationship with his new girlfriend was going quite well. I was definitely glad to hear that.


Quatre is with his family at their palatial home in the Emirates. He wrote me last week – he does a ‘check-up’ on me every other day – telling me all about the activities he had been having. He showed me pictures of his home and his sisters and a rather risqué one of him in a rather skimpy bathing suit. He had made it into a postcard with the words ‘Wish you were here’ written on it. Who knew my friend could be such a wicked tease? Of course I showed it to Wufei, who wrote back saying he would consider doing one of himself straddling his new car in nothing but a tank top. I snicker at the memories of our online messages that night. Of course we were just goofing off and meant no harm with it…we all knew where our hearts and minds lay.


Trowa, for his part, is spending his vacation at a Youth Corp camp – much to Quatre’s dismay. He had hoped that Trowa would be willing to spend the summer with him, but we all knew that Trowa had always had plans to be a part of the military in some form or another and joining the Youth Corp was just one step in getting there. He sent me a picture of himself in his brown and gold uniform and I’ve got to admit that he looked extremely handsome in that. He went into details of how enriching and rewarding the experience was so far. He also had plans to take a few days off to surprise Quatre with a visit. I can only imagine how that plan would be received. I can almost envision the couple never letting go of each other once they meet again.


Of course this brings me to the final person missing from our little group.


I rip open the bag of rich soil, biting my lower lip as a familiar dull ache settles in the pit of my stomach. I know it’s been three weeks and I really should be getting over him by now, but I still can’t help the nervous anticipation and yet loneliness that fills me each time I think of him. Like a love sick fool, I had saved up his last text message to me, cherishing and hanging on to those hastily written words like a drowning man.


He had written to me only once in the past three weeks and it was a rather detailed email describing his living quarters in the city of Prague. He sent pictures as well, his excitement palpable through the thin screen of my computer with every word he wrote. They would be going to Nice, France next and he had promised to send me more pictures as well. He looks well – a bit tanned from all the sun he must be getting and his smiles couldn’t be any broader or happier. He also sent a few pictures of his mother and I could tell that she looked extremely pleased as well with being with her son. Again, I cannot fault her for feeling that way.


“Whoa, whoa, Heero! Stop daydreaming, son!”


“Huh?” I start in surprise and look at what I’ve been doing. Instead of spreading the soil about like I’m supposed to, I’ve been standing like a moron and piling it all in one small heap. Feeling my cheeks heat up with embarrassment, I fall to my knees and begin to spread them apart with my gloved hands.


See what thinking of Duo can make me do?


“Maybe you should go in and get some rest for a while…”


“I said I’m fine, Dad,” I interrupt quickly. “I just need to…”


“Then go get me another drink of water,” my father says firmly. I can recognize that tone anywhere and it’s going to be no use trying to argue with him. Nodding softly, I rise to my feet and peel off my dirtied work gloves quickly, almost marching towards the house in disbelief at how dumb I had acted. I step over the ridges we had made this morning, being careful not to step into the soft soil that had been planted with sunflower seeds. Once out of the main farm land, you are unleashed into mother’s beautiful garden. This is her pet project and neither I nor Dad are allowed to touch her roses, azaleas, baby breaths and god knows what else she has in here. But it’s a great place to sit in and relax – as evident from the lounge chairs that had been placed on the well-manicured lawn.


“Mother!” I call out loudly as I kick off my boots to step into the kitchen. “Mom!”


“Oh…Heero, you’re back.”


I suffer her kiss on my cheek and run a hand through my damp locks before opening up the fridge to eye the containers of juices and water greedily. “Father sent me back here,” I grumble as I reach for one such container to drink from it. “I think I’ve given him enough grief for one day.”


“Oh, don’t be silly,” she says with a soft laugh. She places the basket of fresh fruits and vegetables she had picked from the garden earlier on the table and smiles proudly. “So? What do you think? They are quite good, aren’t they?”


I smile at her flushed form, staring into the shining blue eyes that are just like mine. She’s considerably small in stature, but don’t let that deceive you. My mother’s a powerhouse and can be quite forceful when she chooses to be. Her hair is a dark brown like mine too – in fact, the only features I get from my father is my height…and maybe his jaw and cheekbones. And totally surprising her, I grab her in a fierce embrace, smiling warmly at her gasp of pleasure.


“Well now, you hugging me first? Should I jump for joy or start getting worried?” she asks and hugs me back tightly. She’s not as strong as Duo…not as hard in the right places…but dear god, it’s been so long since I’ve had anyone hug me. However, no matter how much I miss Duo, she’s my mother and her hugs will always be the best to me.


“No, nothing to be worried about mom…” Yet, I think inwardly, knowing that someday, I’m going to have to tell them that their only child is in love with a boy. Oh joy.


“Oh? What’s this?”


I release her to glance over my shoulder at what’s gotten her attention. There’s a delivery truck in our driveway – from the post office – and I promptly dismiss it. It might probably be for my father since he tends to order catalogues for farm machines or the Horses Digest or something…


“Heero? It’s for you.”


I nearly spit out my orange juice and gape at the man standing beside my mother. “For…for me? Who…?”


“You are Heero Yuy, correct?” the man says with a nod as he holds out the medium-sized box for me. “It says for you to sign.”


I eye the package warily for a moment and then feel something hard pound within my chest as I see the stamps and then the familiar scribble my name and his name upon it.




“Who’s it from, dear?”


I think I say ‘friend’ or something, but I can’t be sure. I haven’t heard from that bastard in over two weeks and now he sends me a package – and Express at that! I do remember telling him my address here and he had teased – at least I had thought it was a tease – me about sending a package sometime soon. I try to gather moisture in my mouth as I sign for it quickly, aware that my hands are beginning to tremble with barely concealed excitement. Just what did he send to me?


“Thank you, sir,” the postman says with a smile and as expected, my mother offers him something cold to drink. But I can barely wait another second as I bound up the stairs two at a time, aware that the box isn’t that heavy. Maybe it’s just more pictures…or a souvenir…or…or…what?!


I lock the door of my bedroom behind me and make sure my windows are closed before sitting down heavily on my bed to stare at the box within my hands. I eye my silent laptop, wondering if I ought to check from an email from Duo and then nearly jump out of my skin as my cell-phone suddenly rings.


Only my friends have my cell-phone number and time zones are all fucked up to hell and back and there really is no way that any of them can call me at this time. So who…?


Placing the brown box gently on the bed, I stretch for it upon the table and answer it warily. “Hello?”


“Hey, there, handsome.”


I can feel my entire being flush with heat at the sound of his voice, unable to believe that it was actually him…


“Wufei? Is this a prank call? Because if it is…”


“Wow, Wufei impersonates me now? Awesome!”


Yes, it’s definitely Duo. “You…you…” I get to my feet and sit down…stand up again, running fingers through my damp hair as my heartbeat quickens with excitement. “How? I thought you said it costs so much to call…”


“Yeah, it does but I just wanted to make sure you got my package. They did guarantee me that it was going to be there by…this time.”


Deliberate. Carefully planned. Dear god, he could very well be in the room with me at this moment! But he sounds amused and pleased about something and I’m yet to know what it is.


“What’s in the box?” I finally ask a bit breathlessly.


“Why don’t you open it?” he replies in a voice that sends my knees trembling in response.


“What time is it over there?” I have to stall for time…anything to make him stay longer on the phone. I’m aware that I’m gripping the phone extremely tight and I don’t want to break it in two or anything – this is my only link to Duo after all!


“Hmm…it’s almost midnight…my mom’s gone out…and I’m all alone…and I was thinking about you…and well…is the box open?”


I groan and whisper. “Hold on…”


Placing the phone down carefully, I open up drawers, searching for a box-cutter that I can use to open up this rather tightly wrapped package. I think I can hear him laughing at me as I all but rip it open.


“Easy there, big guy…”


“Shut up,” I growl softly. “What the hell is in here? You wrapped it like it’s a time bomb or something.”


“Dumb ass. If it was a time bomb, there’d be holes in it to let the air…”


“Save it for someone who wants to know, Duo,” I interrupt as I finally manage to open it. I toss away wads of white tissue only to blink and then blink again at what meets my gaze.


I don’t fucking believe it.


“Well? What do you think?”


I grab the phone and whisper harshly into it. “What…what…what the hell is this, Duo?”


“What does it look like?”


“You mean you…” My cheeks are still blazing hot…no…my entire body is boiling hot and it’s definitely not with rage. If the growing tightness in my pants is any indication then…


“But I missed you Heero,” he whines dramatically. “I’m spending a lot of money to talk to you, you know.”


“So you sent me a…a…a…”


“Wear it.”


“Fuck off, Duo. I’m not…!”


“Heero?! Honey?! Do you want dinner now?”


Mother! I slap a hand over the receiver and yell back. “No…no! Not yet, mother! I’ll come down and get it myself!”


“Oh, okay…but hurry! I don’t want you eating a cold meal, got it?”


“Yes!” I wait with abated breath as her footsteps recede into silence before focusing my attention on the boy who seems to be enjoying this little fiasco. “What are you trying to do to me, Duo?”


“Nothing…just having a little fun. I miss you.”


I swallow tightly at the sincerity in his voice, feeling that familiar melting sensation in my heart. “I…I miss you too…”


“Then will you…dress up for me, Heero?” he asks ever so sweetly and I want to choke him to death but I can’t because…because…


“I can’t,” I almost plead desperately. “This is a…it’s….”


“Would it make you feel any better if I took a picture of myself and showed you something then?”


“Oh…ah…I guess…”


“Okay, I’ll get back to you in a bit.”


Unaware that I am holding my breath, I wipe the beads of sweat that have come to my brow as I stare at my phone screen. It seems to take forever, but finally a message shows up saying I have a photo message from Duo Maxwell. Accepting it quickly, I moan helplessly and fall to my knees as an image of Duo – a completely tanned and naked Duo sprawled upon a couch – fills the screen. The picture is quite clear and I can see every sinewy inch of his body, from his curled toes to his strong but slender thighs, the undeniable shape of his cock resting upon his flat stomach, his dark nipples, his neck arched, his lips parted and those eyes – those damn teasing, mocking eyes staring right back at me.


Fuck me eyes.


Oh god.


“So? What do you think?” he asks with a nervous laugh. “I kinda took it fast, so it’s not all that great…”








I think I can ‘hear’ him blush. “Then wear it for me, Heero. It’s only fair. I spent a lot of money sending it to you…”


“Are you aware that my parents are here as well, Duo? If they see me…?”


“Your door is locked right?”




“Then…please…Heero…” His voice becomes a husky whisper that has me whimpering softly and clamping my thighs together. “I’m touching myself right now…just thinking of you…”


I squeeze my eyes shut tightly, knowing that I am going to be doing something that I might regret sometime in the future but at this time…just pleasing Duo is all that matters to me.


“Okay…okay…hold on…”


Placing the phone upon the desk again, I stumble to my feet and stare at the contents of the box again. Red. Sinfully red silk and…and…a toy. Feeling as if my blush would never fade, I step out of my pants slowly and toss it to the side. My underwear soon follows and I am standing like a helpless child caught in headlights. Swallowing tightly, I sit on the bed and pull out the first item of clothing. It’s a fine, black fish net panty hose which has been carefully cut in a certain area…for obvious reasons. I slip into it slowly, somehow wishing that Duo was really in the room with me…watching me. I have to stand up to pull it over my ass and to push my straining erection through the hole provided.


Taking another deep breath, I reach for the tiny red dress – tiny because I doubt it will even cover my rear – and slip it over my head. It’s silk and caresses my body like so. The sleeves are incredibly short and end with black frills around its hem and collar. I wince at the two holes left for my nipples to be exposed and try to tug the dress down to pull it over my now cum slicked cock. Oh god, I can’t believe this whole thing is such a goddamn turn on…




Oh no! My mother again! I run towards the door, breathing heavily at the sensation of silk and fine cotton against my skin.


“Heero? You should come down for dinner!”


“I’ll…I’ll be right there, mom…just…just give me a few more minutes.”


“Hmm…okay…if you’re sick or you need help…”


No thanks!! “I’ll be fine, mom…I promise….” 


My mother is not going to rest until I come downstairs and deciding that I had to take the picture to make Duo happy, I run back to pick up my phone.


“Okay, I have it on now, Duo and I’m going to take the picture and….”


“Uh uh, pretty boy,” he says around a laugh – I swear he’s smirking! “You haven’t finished yet. I can hear you running around there like a scared rabbit and it’s giving me such a hard on, you have no idea.”


“Well, this might be all fun for you but…”


“Lie on the bed and finish it off, Heero,” he demands slowly. “You know what to do.”


“Duo…please…” I can just hang up the phone and end this nightmare – this sinful but delicious nightmare – but I can’t. I grit my teeth and eye the innocuous object on the bed, feeling as if my heart would pound right out of my chest if I don’t look away.


“Fine…for you, Duo…” I whisper hoarsely as I push the box to the floor and lie upon the bed, making sure that the phone is placed beside me on the other pillow. I fumble with the drawer beside my bed and finally find what I need. Closing my eyes, I take another deep breath and fill my hands with the cool lotion. My breathing is getting shallow and ragged as I hear Duo’s husky words of encouragement over the line.


I moan softly as I wrap my creamy hands upon my erection, stroking it gently from base to swollen tip as my other hand and fingers reach for the tiny opening between my ass cheeks to probe carefully. I arch off the bed, the dress riding higher up my waist as I dig my feet into the mattress. I have to remember that I am in a home with my parents and all screams and cries would have to be kept to myself.


“Hah…hah…” Stroke, stroke, faster and faster, my hands a damn blur now as I continue to work myself to completion. My fingers are now stretching my ass as deep as they can go and as I hear Duo say the words ‘Now!’, I reach for the rather impressive eight inch or a bit more, red-colored dildo and replace my fingers with it. I stop my scream, at penetration, by biting into the pillow, holding my breath as I feel the thick object deep within me. With shaking fingers, I switch on the button and almost fall off my bed as the vibrator begins to send surges of incredibly pleasurable sensations right through me.


“Mmmmmffffphhh!!!!” Is just about all I can say now as I struggle not to come too quickly. I reach for the phone, holding on tightly to it, staring at the naked image of a boyfriend I can not touch but yet reveling in the sound of his own moans and cries of delight as he too pleasures himself.


“Faster…harder…” he whispers to me and with hands that are barely steady, I pull the switch to its highest and promptly die and go to heaven.


Or at least, I think I reach there.


Tears of frustration spring to my eyes, knowing I cannot scream out my pleasure even as I feel myself reaching my peak. I can hear Duo’s choked sobs as he tells me how much he’s coming, of how hot I am, of how much he wishes he were here to lick, suck and taste me. I begin to speak to him as well, broken words of love and lust as we try to tell just how much we need and want each other.


“Com…coming….I’m coming, Duo…” I say desperately, breathlessly. My cock is swelling within my hand and as I feel the indescribable rush of heat surge from the roots of my hair and my toes, I feel it all come to a head as I finally explode in satisfaction. The world swims before my eyes and I collapse upon the bed with a low grunt of exhaustion. I blink slowly for a few minutes, trying to get my some sense of orientation of my whereabouts. I can hear soft laughter and I flush as I lift my hips to stop and pull the vibrator out of my well fucked anus. I hold it up and lift the phone to take a picture of it…as well as a picture of my face…and now stained dress.


I send them to him and I smirk albeit wearily at his soft gasps of shock and surprise. Hmm, didn’t think I could do it, did you, Duo? He sends back pictures of himself as well and I can feel my cock twitching back to life at the thick drops of cum upon his flushed skin.


“Damn…that was awesome,” he says softly. I have no choice but to agree…if I can get myself to speak that is.




Oh no, not again! At least I’m glad she hadn’t been calling me in the middle of me masturbating.


“Duo…” I lick my lips and try to clear the thickness in my throat. I curl up into a tight ball, trying hard not to get choked up again at how much I’m already missing him. “Will…will you call me again?”


“I don’t know, Heero…my mom’s kinda…”


He stops for a moment and I hear him curse softly. “Duo? What’s wrong?”


“My mom…she’s back…fuck!” I can hear him scrambling in the background and I can already feel the heavy weight of reality settling in the pit of my stomach.


“Call me again, Duo…soon,” I plead fervently.


“I don’t know, Heero,” he says quickly. “I’ll try okay…don’t wanna make any promises and can’t keep them. But…it was fun tonight…thanks a lot…”


“It was fun too…” I can hear my mother’s footsteps coming up the stairs.


“Oh, and Heero?”




“I…I still love you, okay? Bye!”


He hangs up on me and I am left listening to the dial tone – a melancholy sound that fills me with incredible loneliness. “And I love you too,” I whisper into it before switching it off to listen to my mother’s incessant pounding on my door.


It was fun while it lasted and I know this is a memory that won’t be erased so quickly. I still can’t believe that Duo had done something this spontaneous, fun…exciting and downright dangerous.


I smile softly as I lift a leg to eye my panty-hose clad flesh. There’s already a small rip around the calf area, so wearing it again would be next to…wait a second? Did I just think of wearing it again?!


Oh god, does this mean I’m a transvestite as well as gay? Damn you for confusing me about my sexuality and dressing preferences, Duo Maxwell!


“Heero?! Dinner!”


“Coming, mother!” I finally yell in response as I rise to my feet to admire – no, no, no! not admire – to stare at my reflection in the mirror.


Hmm, I do look good in a dress if I do say so myself…but this is of course a little secret between you and me. And you want to know something else? I think I’ll blame this all on the summer heat because I’ll never be caught dead in this again.


…and you can quote me on that.



