Title: Slogan War

Pairing: 2+1

Warnings: AU, shounen-ai, humor

Summary: Campaign begins. Fangirls unite. Duo harrasses and Heero’s in a mess.







“How about ‘Young, Virile and Smart?’ That should get tongues wagging!”


“Yes, and get them thinking I’m running my campaign on some sex drug,” I reply impatiently. “Why does the word ‘Virile’ have to be in there?”


“I happen to like the word ‘Virile’ myself. It makes you sound much more…”


“Alive?” My good friend, Wufei, finishes with a light shrug as he continues to doodle pictures of some kind of sword on his notepad.


I am currently in a classroom with three of my closest friends - and unfortunately, campaign managers - trying to get ready for the upcoming Student Council elections. The current president – our wonderful (and believe me I use that term very loosely) upperclassman – had decided that allowing the students to vote would be a better way to get them more involved in school and student affairs.


I hate that premise.


Whatever happened to choosing who was deemed best in taking such an important and highly distinguished role, single-handedly? I have no qualms about the democratic process but knowing that braid-boy is going to be in the running as well has made a campaign that I had once thought mine for the taking, completely out of my hands. I am going to have to rely on people skills that I cannot boast of.


“What do you mean, ‘alive’?” I ask in irritation. “Am I dead right now?”


“You might as well be,” the one named Trowa speaks up with a small yawn. He is tall, lanky and draws the girls to him in a way that’s a bit bemusing. I really don’t see why they think he’s so…hot. “You don’t talk much except during debates or giving some long-winded reply to any question our history teacher asks,” he finishes with a wave of his hand. They are long, slender, well manicured and I’m sure that they’d feel great on my skin…


I force my thoughts to a screeching halt. Damn it! This is definitely not the time to think of such things!


Quatre, a blond who looks like he’s been a victim of one too many fan girl attacks, especially since he looks so ‘kyuuute’ to them, acts sheepish and nods in agreement. “You don’t even like to smile when the girls look at you, Heero. And everyone knows that they make up the better half of the voting population. You’ve got to get them on your side or…”


He trails off and I notice the three of them exchange knowing looks. I shift restlessly. I know full well what he was about to say.


“Or he’ll get them, right?” I finish with a small sneer. “That’s what you were going to say, wasn’t it?”


“Well, he is right,” Wufei says with a light nod. He has jet-black hair that’s currently hanging loose upon his strong shoulders. He’s quite the looker – if you like the strong, silent and exotic-looking Asian types. “You need a makeover and fast, friend.”


“No thanks. I’ll pass.” I roll my eyes and sit back heavily on my chair. The ridiculously loud ticking of the clock above the blackboard only breaks the heavy silence that falls upon us. There is the faint sound of a metal bucket being scrapped upon the floor and it’s no doubt the janitor doing some last minute cleaning of the hallways. From the large glass windows, the sun’s dying rays of gold fill the relatively empty room as dark shadows form across desks and chairs. And within this display of dark and light, my good friends almost seem silhouetted like objects in an impressionist painting.


Quatre begins to tap the poster board he had been planning to decorate with our campaign slogan and then stands up rather abruptly.


“I’ve got it!”


We only give half-hearted grunts in response, but that doesn’t deter him as he looks at us eagerly. “How about… ‘Heero Yuy – Beauty, Brawn and Brain!’”


We all stare at him incredulously. “You…you’re not serious, are you?” I ask in a voice I barely recognize as mine.


“Wasn’t that your fan club slogan last year, Heero?” Wufei says around a chuckle.


“Don’t remind me,” I groan at the sudden image of three giggling girls holding up the banner with the damning words to my gaze for approval. “I hated it. You know that, Quatre.”


He mumbles something along the lines of ‘Why don’t I think up something since I’m so smart’ before sitting down again with a rather sullen look on his features. I suddenly feel like a heel for acting in such a way. My friends were really trying their best to help me win (even though their methods were less than helpful to be honest) and here I was being discontent with everything.


“At least give me till tomorrow to think about it, okay?” I finally say with a smile of reassurance. Yes, hopefully by tomorrow, I’d be able to think up something tangible to use.


Something that will definitely have the voters eager to make me the Student Council President!





Wednesday 11.55pm


Dear God! Beauty, Brawn and Brain is looking so good at the moment!








Damn it!








I think I am going to break down and literally cry as I watch Quatre happily pin up the (very-well made) banner upon the message board. I had called him up earlier this morning to reluctantly give in to his slogan and I am more than amazed at how fast he was able to get it all done.


“There!” he grins and nods in satisfaction. Blazing like a beacon, in brilliant blues and yellows and reds were the words:




I am going to try to ignore the other heart shapes and tiny flowery decorations around the words. I’ll only assume that he did that to gain the female vote.


“Oh oh…”


“What?” I am a jittery mass of nerves and I am doing all I can, not to give it away, but from the expression on his face, I can tell that my worse fears are about to be confirmed.


“What’s the meaning of this?!”


I can recognize that loud but shrill voice anytime and anywhere. It’s belongs to none other than Hilde Schbeiker – the president of The Duo Maxwell Fan Club. Standing behind her, all with small pins of my rival’s features on their school blouses and with violet berets on their heads, are her minions, all ready to eat me for breakfast.


“What is the meaning of what?” Quatre asks with a frown. A small crowd is already beginning to form and I am feeling worse by the second. I spot Trowa and Wufei making their way towards us and I give a small sigh of relief…or perhaps I shouldn’t have.


“That board was reserved for our poster!” Hilde bellows again. “We, the members of the Duo Maxwell Fan Club, specifically asked for that space for our banner! Now, take yours off!”


“I don’t see any name on it, so you don’t have any right to tell me to take anything off!”


“We have a signed agreement!” She fishes out a sheet of paper from her waist bag and holds it to our faces but before we can say another word, it disappears right back into it.




“Proof!” she says with a smug grin. “Now take it off or we’ll tear it down!”


Someone begins a chant of ‘Tear it down!’ and before I know it, the entire hallway is filled with students (some who have no clue as to what was really going on) all yelling at the top of their lungs for something to be torn down.


I swear at some point someone says ‘Take it off!’ but then again…


Could my day possibly get any worse?






Apparently it could.


Not only do I get detention, I am made to sweep up five class three classrooms after school! Quatre was let off the hook a bit too easily and I figure it is because Mrs. Hinata has a crush on the blond.


My banner was taken down and put somewhere else. A small consolation came from the fact that Hilde’s didn’t get to go up either. Instead, the school basketball team ended up having the space – announcing their upcoming tryouts for the term. I wanted to tryout again. I had been a member last year, but I quit halfway because I was too busy studying for exams.


As I am about to push the broom into Class 3-2 (my class), I hear running footsteps behind me. It’s after school and most of the students have gone home for the day. I am not in the mood to let anyone see me like this and I think I will be able to dash into the classroom fast enough. Except for the fact that it is actually…him!


“Hide me!” he says quickly as he continues to run towards me. I try to brace myself for the impact as there is nowhere else to run to, but he places a hand on my arm and literally pulls me into the classroom and towards one of the long lockers behind the room. He pushes me inside and makes his way in soon after. Closing the door behind him, we are now pressed so tightly together, I can practically feel EVERY inch of his body against mine.


Shit. Oh, shit.


His heavy breathing – no our heavy breathing fills the cramped space. My heart is pounding so hard and loud that I am sure he can hear it. I am pressed against the back wall, he is leaning…well…pressed against me with a hand placed against either side of our prison. There is sweat on his flushed skin and a few drops fall on my cheek. Through the thin slits on the door of the locker, small rays of light slip in to reveal his violet eyes to my gaze. It’s not as if I wouldn’t have noticed them without the light. His eyes are vivid enough as is.


I try to move and realize my mistake. My knee jerks a little and he moans softly. I open up my mouth to apologize quickly as I imagine I must have kicked him in the balls or something but then it dawns on me that it hadn’t been a moan of pain per se.


Oh fuck.


“Why?” I lick my lips and try again, my cheeks heating up as I notice he is staring intently at me. “Why are we in here again?”


“They’re after me…” he replies just as softly as I had asked my question. His warm breath (he must have been chewing bubblegum or something) caresses my fevered skin and I try to turn my head away. “I was on my way home and there they were…waiting for me…”




“Yeah. She’s kinda…”




“Oh yeah.”


“She’s okay…” Am I actually standing up for the wicked witch of Class 3-1? The girl hates the ground I walk on!


“Do you like her?”




“I thought as much.”


“You thought what? Ooh…”


“Sorry! Did I hit you….”


“No…no…I just…” My groin is throbbing and not in an altogether bad way.


“I’m really sorry to do this…”


“No…it’s…it’s okay.”


“It is?”








Soon enough, we hear their voices – Hilde’s especially.


“Are you sure you saw him come in here?”


He gets tense against me and I find myself stiffening in response. I am more worried of what will happen if someone were to come in here to find me trapped in this locker with him! My erection isn’t going to help my cause if people start yelling ‘queer!’ in my face. I just beg and plead with the gods not to have him move so much again or I will never be able to leave.


“It looks empty…”


Behind Duo’s head, I can see Hilde’s shadow dance before our hiding place. I swallow tightly and suddenly begin to experience the second thing that I didn’t want to feel.


The itch.


“Damn it! Are you sure he came in here, Maria?!”


It’s my ribs. My ribs are itching…and now it’s between my thighs. Oh fuck no!


“I see Heero’s stuff here…so where’s Heero?”


Damn it, woman! Leave already! I am dying here!


Duo is looking at me in faint concern. He mouths ‘Are you okay?’ I fight the urge to yell ‘No! No, you tempting devil! I am not okay and it’s all your damn fault!’ But I grit my teeth and shake my head again. ‘I’m fine’ I mouth back.


Like hell I am.


It’s in my hair now and I can’t quite reach it as Duo has me trapped. I try to move my head a little to ease the discomfort but to my surprise, I feel strong fingers sink into my hair and I lift my head a little to stare at him in bemusement.


He begins to massage my scalp. I watch a small smile come to his visage as he continues to caress and ease the tension away. Before I can control my mouth, I moan and then wince as Duo kneads me a little.


“Did you hear something?”


“Ghosts, perhaps…”


“There are no such things as ghosts, Maria!”


“Hey, what are you girls doing in here? School’s closed for the day! It’s six o’clock!”


“Sorry, Mr. Tanaka!”


Thank you, God!


Once their footsteps recede till the point that they become non-existent, Duo opens up the door behind him and damn if my legs aren’t trembling for the next thing I know, I am falling right on top of him and onto the floor!


“Sor…sorry…” I begin to apologize quickly as I make an effort to get up but it seems like Duo isn’t done with me yet. He wraps his arms tightly around my waist and I am sure that my eyes are as wide as saucers now.


“I just want to thank you for protecting me,” he says with a smile that literally sends my pulse racing in response. Now, I think I can really see why the girls are enamored with him. He radiates charm like bees generate honey.


He oozes it.


“Protecting you? What the hell are you talking about?” And what the hell is my body doing? Why is my erection not diminishing in the slightest? Oh god, if he knows…!


He sinks his hands into my hair again and manages to hold me steady. That wide smile slips a little and I see how dark his eyes have become. My gaze falls to his lips and again I can feel that rush of heat fill my being almost sending me weak with a need that I cannot explain.


This…this isn’t happening. It can’t be happening! Just because we walk to the bus stop together, doesn’t mean he can do this to me! Just what is he planning to do to me! I am panicking and I know I am panicking and I hate the fact that I am panicking…




His lips are warm and tender upon my forehead. They linger there for a moment as if daring me to say something but I am too stunned by his action to even think of moving. He laughs softly and then forces me to sit up as he does the same.


“You look like I’m about to eat you or something,” he says around a snicker. “Don’t worry. I won’t touch you…until you ask me to.”


With those enigmatic words, Duo pushes me off him and without a backward glance, leaves me alone with my jumbled thoughts and the lingering sensation of his lips upon my skin.


I am burning. I can feel my insides burning and as I wrap my arms around my legs in confusion, I can only wonder why and how I had gotten myself into this mess.



Of course this only means that my resolve to kick his ass in this upcoming election has now grown even stronger!


And I will defeat him. No matter what it takes!


~End Period One~