Epilogue/ Addendum/Seriously, the last bit:


Hilde: Awww, that’s so sweet! So Heero finally says the words that we’ve all been begging to hear him say for the past…oh let’s see…twenty one and a half chapters?!


Dorothy: He does know how to take his sweet time with these things, doesn’t he?


Relena: Anyways, *curtsies cutely in her kimono* Konnichiwa boys and girls (heh, Heero taught me that),  we are actually here to thank you – on behalf of the authoress for sticking around for this long ass tale called…eh…School Tales.


Hilde: As you all know, it was supposed to be a one shot – ‘Bus Stop’ – but with such great feedback and response from you lovely readers…


Dorothy: Kiya decided to make it into a series of short stories that revolve around the boys in school.


Relena: She had no intention of making it this long…


Hilde: And had no plans to extend it to their senior year…


Dorothy: But again, the readers want more…


Relena: And who is she to deny them what they want? *laughs*


Hilde: And so we’ve come to the end of the first arc of this story. We are all growing up now and the next time you see us, we’ll be in senior year. Yay!


Dorothy: But before we leave you, we would like to test you all on your School Tales knowledge.


Relena: Yes, sort of like a School Tales trivia.


Hilde: We figured it would be a fun way to get you all to kill time while waiting for the next chapters to be written. *snickers*


Dorothy: And so we have set up a series of questions.


Relena: Whoever gets the most answers right, will get a…eh…what do they get, girls?


Hilde: He or she will receive a photo of Heero and Duo smooching each other! *holds up photograph* You can keep this in your personal stalker collection of the boys. Come on admit it, girls (and boys) you do have a secret stash of Heero and Duo porn somewhere, right?


Dorothy: *rolls eyes* All right. Here are the questions. It’s not that difficult and there’s no multiple choice either. Again, feel free to answer these on your own or respond in the comments or wherever this story is going to be posted. The authoress will also accept emails if you would like to give them to her personally.


Relena: Question 1! What is the name of the school we all go to? (Man, this is supposed to be difficult?)


Hilde: Question 2! What was the name of Duo’s previous school? (Ah, a bit tougher. Even I don’t remember that one.)


Dorothy: Question 3! What concert did Heero and Duo attend and what souvenir did Duo get?


Hilde: Oh, I know that one! Ah! Question 4! Who gave the boys their tattoos? And what was their tattoos?


Relena: Question 5! Who was Heero’s opponent (besides Duo) in the elections? (Eeeasy!)


Dorothy: Question 6! Where does Heero work? (Gah, everyone’s going to get all these answers right!)


Hilde: Question 7! What clubs were the boys a part of? (Heh, this one might be a bit more difficult.)


Relena: Question 8! What assignment did Lady Une give the students in her first class? (The witch…eh…wonderful teacher *smiles brightly*)


Dorothy: Question 9! What is Mrs. Maxwell’s profession?


Hilde: And last but not least! Question 10! Do fan girls really rule the world? (Please answer truthfully, for your response can aid in our plans for domination in the near future).


Relena: Well, that’s all boys and girls! It’s been fun hanging around with you, even though we weren’t featured a lot.


Dorothy: Maybe that will change in the next arc.


Hilde: I hope so. *curtsies* Thank you again for being such a fun audience. It has indeed been a pleasure.


All: Have a Happy New Year! *waves*



Relena Peacecraft, Dorothy Catalonia, Hilde Scheibeker

c/o Kiya

January 15th, 2005