You wonder what I speak of, ne?
N’ehi , do not think it a regular dance with drums and music.
Rather think of it as a dangerous and deadly one.
A curse or a blessing, you take your pick.

It is a thing to behold, this amazing transformation.
Although I wouldn’t advice you to be anywhere near.
For you see, I might laugh and smile with you now
But once that bright orb is in the sky
I become a thing that you would rather not associate with.
Ahi, it is a painful process to go through
But it is also well worth it.

The moon does not come out all the time, as you might have realized.
In Vegetasei, in comes in cycles.
Unlike your human ways, we have to put up with it, luckily, once every five years.
Oh, we have several showings, but nothing too drastic to cause us to transform.
But when the full one comes out in all its glory…ahh…
Then the real pain/joy/pleasure, your choice, begins.

The entire planet is like a keg of explosives waiting to be let out.
Many would rather hide deep beneath the bowels of the earth, willing to starve in order to avoid the transformation.
Ahi , it is not a very easy thing to go through.
You feel like your body is about to melt into pieces.
You can barely breathe.
You have the insane urge to destroy something…anything, no matter who or where you are.
But most importantly…
You feel the insane desire to mate with someone.

Don’t give me that look of disbelief.
I know you ask yourself…but what about your already established mates?
Ha! My innocent friend
In the state of oozaruu, you have no mates, you have no families, you have no home.
You just… are.

Ahi, a blessing for it is the zenith of our power.
When in that form, strength is of no matter to us.
We can crush our enemies with a single hand, if we so choose to.
We are unstoppable and unfortunately beyond control.

A curse, for we have no knowledge of the destruction and chaos that we cause and create
We have our nights of fun and then when it is all over
The morning air is filled with regrets and loss.
Many discover that they have either killed or slept with family members.
Many have to relocate and build new communities.

But do not feel sorry for us
No, no, no
For believe you me…we would have it no other way.