Samurai Champloo Fanfiction


Title: Lust
Pairing: Mugen/Jin
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Smutalicious, PWP
Disclaimers: Main characters are properties of Ganeon and the god of animation, Watanabe.
Summary: Written for Blackster who wanted to see Mugen claim his Jin. ^^
Complete: One
Winner 2nd Place In The Vault's Summer Loving Contest!

Title: In Her Eyes
Pairing: None
Rating: PG-13
Warning: None. Fuu's POV
Disclaimers: Main characters are properties of Ganeon and the god of animation, Watanabe.
Summary: The Dutchman came and things changed and now she has to consider certain situations in a whole new light.
Complete: One

Copyright [c] 2000-2011 Kiyasama 

Graphics designed by KiyaSama