Skin like porcelain – flawless and pure. Soft, if one were to dare touch them. Fingers, long and slender crossed neatly before her – with a light hue of pink on nails that looked polished and neat. A single gold band graced a digit and she lifted it up slowly to admire its shine in the nearly darkened room. She moved it around a little, wincing as it dug into sensitive skin.

Her cup of once steaming hot tea sat miserably on the plain table. Each movement of her hands sent the tepid brown liquid rippling in response.

Drink me, it seemed to beg. Do I not please you enough?

A slice of cake, its lonesome companion, once soft and delectable to look at, now seemed to have withered at its lack of attention.

She moved the ring again and the pain that came was swift in return. She watched the thin trail of blood trickle down like spilled red paint into the palm of her hand. A tiny drop fell to the table and she watched in seeming fascination as it spread and seeped its way into the clean cloth.

It was indeed…fascinating…

There was a single knock on the door. Curt. Precise. Straight to the point. There was no need to beat around the bush in this line of work.

She must have said something for a stream of pale light heralded the visitor’s entrance.

And then it was gone.

She heard his footsteps, but made no attempt to tear her gaze from the darkening red stain before her.

He spoke. “Security has been checked at the convention hall. Every thing seems to be in working order. There is no need to hire any more security guards. I will head the team I have already gathered.”

If he had noticed the wound, he made no attempts to make it known. She seemed to like it that way.

“That is…good to hear.”

Her voice was clear and one could almost say…pure. It rang through the large room, bouncing off its hallowed walls filled with history and secrets of long ago.

She closed her eyes and asked softly. It was the right thing to do after all.

“How are they doing? I haven’t heard from them in a while.”

She could ‘hear’ him nod. “Quatre is still taking care of his father’s business and has sought to expand his ventures to Earth.”

“Do you approve?”

“I hardly think I have much of a say in what he does.”

“That is true.”

“He still keeps in contact with Trowa.”

“Barton. The clown.”

“Hardly. He is the star of the show now and I hear he just might be the one in charge of the circus in a few months.”

“He definitely has worked his way to the top, hasn’t he?” Pure sarcasm.

He chose to ignore it.

“Wufei has settled down in his colony and has devoted himself to teaching.”

“I heard.”

“He is quite good.”

“I am sure he is.”

He gave a sigh. He must have given a sigh. She was sure of it.


“Is in charge of an orphanage in his colony and has rebuilt several churches and other homes for disadvantaged children.”

If he was surprised at her response, he made no attempts to show it.

“I keep my ears and eyes open just like you do,” she said with a small smile. Her eyes were still closed.

“You do have your way of doing things.”

“You know me only too well.”

He shifted restlessly. She stalled for time. She knew what he wanted, but she wasn’t going to give in that easily.

“Do you want to go?”

“I do not have to leave until the convention is over. I am your bodyguard, after all.”

“You sound resentful.”

“No, I am not.”

“You sound bitter.”

“I don’t think I am bitter.”

“Would you rather be his bodyguard?”

He faltered for a moment and replied a bit too coldly. “I hardly think that is necessary. He can take care of himself.”

“Ah…I see.”

He frowned. “What do you see?”

“You are resentful.”

“Stop putting words in my mouth.”

“Do you want me to release you?”

“I hardly think I am a prisoner here.”

“Do you want to be free?”

“I am free.”

“So, you say.”

“Yes, I do say.”

She laughed then. A light, tinkling sound that reverberated around the room. He shivered in response.

“You are funny. You always were funny.”

“I am glad to see that I can please you in that way.”

“But not in bed.”

He had nothing to say to that. She opened up her eyes and noticed that the bleeding had stopped.

“Just say the word and I will release you.”

He bit his lower lip. “I am not a prisoner.”

“You can come and go as you wish, correct?”


“So why are you still here?”


“You have an obligation to me and a responsibility. Blah. Blah and blah.”

He had the grace to flush.

“I am not a child.”

“I know you are not.”

“I am a woman now. I can take care of myself.”

“I am sure you can.”

“I will ask you for the last time. Do.You.Want.To.Be.Released?”

He clenched his hands into fists and stared at the bloodstain.

And then, “Yes.”

She smiled again. It was cold and almost cruel but yet sad. What a paradox.

“One more errand for you then, Heero.”

He held his breath and waited for his instructions.

She lifted her hand and splayed her fingers apart. Through them she watched him carefully before saying calmly.

“Your last errand, Heero. Go to him and never come back.”

~The End~

Gundam Wing Fiction

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