I had to end up wearing a turtleneck after all. In the middle of summer…with the heat and everything…yeah, it did look kinda stupid. But hell if I was going to let anyone see the damage Heero had done to me.

Fucked up bastard that he is.

And to top it all, I had to suffer through morning assemblies listening to his daily pep talk for all students to be on their best behavior for the day. It didn’t help that the freshmen had to sit in the very front row and I had an ideal view of him each and every time. He looked every inch the perfect student. Perfect uniform, perfect stance, perfect hair, perfect smile, and perfect good looks. Yet beneath it all, I had been given the opportunity to see just how sick and twisted he could really be.

Ah, but I’ve gotta admit that he’s good at the pretense game. He never once acknowledged me in public, if you know what I mean. If he did happen to stop by my classroom for his daily rounds, his impassive gaze would slide right over me as if I didn’t even exist. The first few times this happened, I admit I was pretty pissed off. The least he could do was wink or something, but no, his impeccable rep was on the line and it wouldn’t do for a guy of his standing to be seen with the likes of me.

Damn him!

“Hey…dude…you’re looking scary again.”

I blinked and lifted my gaze to notice my two friends staring at me with equal looks of wariness on their features. I would have laughed at how ridiculous they looked, but I was far from feeling light hearted today. I was going to have to walk towards the Washington – a place where anyone in his right mind would fear to tread. Walking into senior territory was like placing yourself in the line of fire. You were easy pickings for teasing and merciless taunting that could break down one’s resolve. I should know, I had witnessed a student barely survive an hour there. He even had to be hospitalized for severe trauma and I didn’t even want to know what he must have gone through.

“You sure you’re okay, Duo?” Enkidu asked me for the umpteenth time. He had every right to ask me that. I had barely spoken to him all morning and he was now so used to my banter that my silence must have frightened him.

But I managed to muster up a weak smile. “I…I’ll be fine,” I said with a small nod of reassurance. “Just don’t mind…”

“Duo Maxwell?”

I felt something cold and heavy fall to the pit of my stomach as I turned my head a little to glance at the boy who was now hovering over our table. A senior – and not just any senior, but one of the three boys who were almost always seen around Heero. He acted as resident adviser for the sophomores, and was relatively in high standing in the school. His eyes were what unnerved me a lot. There were a piercing green – the kind that seemed to know every damn thing about you whether you wanted it or not. I knew without a doubt that I was beginning to receive a lot of stares now. It wasn’t everyday that the handsome Trowa Barton came walking into the freshman dorm.

I swallowed and answered politely. “Yes…sir…”

“Come with me.” Curt and to the point. What was the point in arguing?

“Yes, sir.”

I closed up my books, ignoring the anxious looks my friends were now giving to me. It’s okay; I tried to reassure them with a small smile. I’m just going to lower my pride and go do someone’s laundry at the moment, so don’t you worry about me. Of course, I hadn’t said this aloud or they would have thought I had really gone off the deep end.

I followed Trowa silently; or rather the walk towards the Washington was an extremely silent one. He said nothing to me and I didn’t dare start up any conversation either. What good would that do anyway? I had only seen the senior dorm from the gym area and the building had always seemed imposing to me. But boy! did it look extra scary tonight! It was surrounded by a lot of trees and the building itself looked like something out of a horror or historic novel. I shivered a little and swallowed tightly while wiping down my sweaty palms upon my pants.

He led me down a short path and I realized with a great sigh of relief that we were not going to go through the main halls. This must be a secret path to Heero’s domain and, for one wild moment, I felt a rush of adrenaline and excitement course through my being. We made a left turn and I nearly rammed into Trowa as he came to an abrupt stop. Before us stood a simple brown door with a small peephole for looking through. He knocked sharply on it and just as quickly; yet another member of Heero’s ‘posse’ opened it up.

Like every other freshman, Wufei Chang was like a myth to me. He was in charge of the juniors and wasn’t known to smile much. His raven locks were tied in a rather tight ponytail and in the dim light of the room it made it seem almost bluish in color. His eyes were just as black and they regarded me in silence for a long and rather uncomfortable moment.

“Where’s Heero?” Trowa asked as he walked into the room, motioning for me to follow. Wufei moved aside a little for me to pass through and I was ushered into a mini haven for the average teenage boy. Only one thing came to my mind there and then.

Heero was one lucky bastard.

It was big enough to rival an average apartment in a city, but the room was anything but that. The first thing that hit me was the wide range of posters in the room. It featured classic artists like Jimi Hendrix, The Who and Led Zeppelin to modern day rockers like The White Stripes and Linkin Park. Against the wall in the corner of the room sat a CD collection that could equal any hardcore fans’. I yearned to search through them, but I had a feeling I would not be allowed to do so. There was the customary desk and chair for his studies and at the moment, textbooks were littered all over it. A laptop sat innocently in the middle of it all and it was obvious that Heero must have been sitting on it a while ago, because some kind of complicated math problem was still on the screen.

The carpet was of a deep creamy color and spread about were about four pretty large beanbag chairs in crushed velvet. There were also laptops on the floor with textbooks which could only mean that Trowa and Wufei and the last of the three ‘musketeers’ – who wasn’t around at the moment – had been studying.

But what took the prize would have to be Heero’s bed. It was equivalent to two of our regular bed sizes joined together. At the moment, it looked messed up – as if someone had just gotten out of it – with its ruffled gray cotton sheets and matching quilt blanket. Heero must have slept in that bed. He must have slept naked…he looked like the guy who could sleep naked and not give a shit about it. I bit my lower lip hard as the quick but sinful image of Heero and I…

“He’s coming,” Wufei interrupted my thoughts with a curt nod as he sank back into his beanbag. He picked up his laptop and began to type again, effectively ignoring us with those words. Trowa didn’t seem to mind as he walked towards the cool-looking CD player that I had almost missed in my admiration over Heero’s bed. He punched a few buttons and the soothing sounds of jazz floated around the room, which in turn, caused my cheeks to flush with color at how intimate a scenario it created.

Suddenly, I felt envious. Envious of the fact that these four boys had a camaraderie that I would never be a part of. I wondered what it would be like to study with them each evening. How it would feel to be a part of their clique, to hang out and stuff. But no, I was just a freshman and they would be graduating soon. It was ill fated from the beginning.

“Here you go.”

I barely had the time to steady myself as the white hamper was suddenly thrust into my arms.

“You remember the way we came in, right?”

I nodded numbly, trying hard not to stare at the silky black boxers that were poking out from the overflowing basket. Heero’s underwear. Holy shit.

Trowa didn’t seem to care that I was blushing like a teenage schoolgirl as he continued to deliver his instructions. “Heero doesn’t like his stuff starched or anything, so go easy with that. Once you are done with the uniforms, make sure you iron them and put them on hangers, okay?”

“Yes, sir.”

He led me towards the door again and I had to swallow down my disappointment at not being able to see the owner of the clothes. What the hell was I thinking?! I didn’t want to see him so why was I feeling this way?!

The door closed with resounding slam behind me and I sighed heavily. I had work to do and I had to finish it quickly.

The laundry room was, thankfully, not so full tonight. It was a Wednesday, after all. Heavy volumes happened on Fridays and Sundays – definitely not a good time if you were a freshman. I placed the hamper down and took a deep breath. For a moment, the wild urge to display Heero’s private collection to everyone overwhelmed me. I wanted to humiliate him like he had done to me and what better way than to display his boxers for the whole world to see. Only problem was – I was bound to be in some serious trouble when everything was over and done with. That thought pretty much blew my plan out of the water.

I picked up a pair of boxers and held it in my hands for a moment. This one still felt a bit warm and my cheeks grew even hotter as I figured he might have taken it off sometime before I had come in! Perhaps he had gone to take a shower and knew that I was going to be coming and then…

Argh! I am beginning to think too much and that’s not a very good sign.

But I couldn’t put it down. I wanted to…I wanted to…

Oh god…

A wave of dizziness washed over me and I had to sit down heavily upon an empty seat to regain some sort of control. His scent was incredible. Heavy, musky and almost spicy. I wanted more of it and the growing ache in my groin area wasn’t exactly helping much.

Get yourself together! I chided myself as I shook my head rapidly. This was no time to sit down and fantasize about something that would never happen. I might as well just begin my work and get it over and done with.

Two long hours later, I had a pile of neatly folded t-shirts, two pairs of jeans, two gym shorts, socks, and of course underwear in the hamper. Two sets of his uniform and jacket hung on hangers and were placed carefully across the basket. I was sweating lightly, as the laundry room wasn’t exactly the coolest of places to be in. My hair hung damp and sticky against my forehead. I knew the back of my shirt was plastered to my skin and I was beginning to breathe a bit quicker than normal. By the time I got to Heero’s room, I was about ready to call it quits for a long time to come. I was too tired to think straight and all I wanted to do was crawl into my bed and sleep till kingdom come.

I knocked wearily on the door and was rewarded with a muffled ‘Who is it?’ from a familiar voice.

“Duo Maxwell, sir. I’m here with the laundry.”

There was a moment of silence and I wondered if they were debating whether to leave me outside or not. However, the door opened slowly and I met the smiling face of my dorm adviser, Quatre Raberba Winner. Blond, incredibly easy on the eyes and a bit small for his age – I was slightly taller than he was, but not by much – he was a relatively nice and friendly guy. I could see why they had made him in charge of the freshmen. He was more understanding and was easy to talk to.

“Come on in, Duo,” he said warmly as he closed the door behind me. Compared to the heat of the outdoors, Heero’s room was a welcome haven. The cold air from the cooling system bathed my feverish skin and I gave a grateful sigh of relief.

However, my nemesis was back and as usual he was doing a good job of ignoring me. He was dressed in only a pair of black jeans, his feet and chest bare as he lounged within one of the beanbags. A Physics textbook lay on his lap as he gnawed thoughtfully on a pen stuck within his mouth. Trowa was sound asleep on Heero’s bed and Wufei was now sitting and typing away on Heero’s laptop.

I felt so out of place, it wasn’t even funny.

“I’m…I’m done with the laundry, sir,” I managed to grit out through clenched teeth. “Where do you want me to keep it?”

About two full minutes of silence went by as he turned another page of his book without giving me an answer. And just as I was about ready to chuck his damn uniform into his face, he replied lazily. “Quatre, would you mind showing him where I keep my stuff? Thanks.”

I opened and shut my mouth in disbelief at his rudeness, but Quatre gave a soft chuckle and shook his head lightly. “Don’t worry too much about it. I don’t. Heero’s always anti-social whenever it comes to his studies.”

Yeah, well it still didn’t give him the right to act like he was above everyone else or something.

But another glance at his lanky and well defined figure on that chair and I was beginning to question if he really wasn’t sent down from the gods. It had to be a sin for anyone to look that good half-naked. His golden brown skin seemed to glow within the shadows in the room. I could make out the dusky but prominent nipples on his chest and with each breath he took, they seemed to become even harder. I was aware I was beginning to feel that familiar rush of heat down my body and I had to bite my lower lip to stop from screaming in frustration. I wanted so badly to taste them…to taste him!

I turned my face away quickly and followed Quatre towards Heero’s closet – which was pretty damn large for a student. He helped me arrange things in their proper order and I was grateful for that otherwise I was sure I would have made a botch of things. With the last pair of boxer shorts tucked away, I figured that my night with the seniors would be over and I would be released.

Or so I thought.

I stepped back into the living room and was stumped to find all four boys sitting on each of the beanbags with either a smile or a look of plain curiosity on their features. Trowa, who I had sworn was asleep earlier, was now wide-awake and had made himself comfortable beside Quatre…who looked just a little too excited for my liking. Wufei had given up on his studies as well and had made himself comfy on Heero’s right. As for the head boy himself, he had finally dumped his books to the side and now had that familiar lazy smirk that caused my heartbeat to quicken in growing worry.

“You did good, Duo,” he began with a warm smile that didn’t quite match the wicked look in his eyes.

What the hell was I supposed to say?! “Uum…than…thank you, sir…”

He continued to twirl the pen in his hand while eyeing me carefully. I felt like a piece of merchandise being appraised by intrigued buyers. Their intense gazes were beginning to make me wish I had bolted out of here as soon as I had stepped in.

“Come closer, Duo,” came the soft command that I dared not refuse.

I had decided that trying to argue with Heero was going to be a fruitless cause. I wasn’t sure I wanted any other part of me bruised by his strong hands and besides, his friends were here. I was sure they were all capable of doing something just as rough to me.

And so with legs that felt as heavy as lead, I began to shuffle slowly towards him until mere inches separated my now embarrassing and obvious bulging crotch from his pleased visage. I made an attempt to cover it with my hands, but he frowned lightly and they fell limply to my sides in defeat. I tried to will it to go down…tried to tell myself that this whole scenario wasn’t remotely exciting at all. But, I could feel my heart begin to pound so fast that I was sure everyone else in the room could hear it. My mouth felt incredibly dry and for a moment, the world seemed to swim before my eyes as I struggled hard not to give in to the smoldering look from my tormentor.

“Duo’s an exhibitionist,” Heero suddenly announced with a light laugh as he began to…

Oh! Oh….please stop…

…trace the outline of my cock within my pants with the pen. It wasn’t gentle by any means and I could feel my knees tremble in response. I barely registered the snickers that accompanied his statement as he pressed the writing equipment deeper forcing me to feel every inch of the slightly blunt tip against my sensitive skin. I watched through glazed depths as a small stain began to spread slowly through the cloth.

Shit. Damn my hormones!

“Duo likes to find empty classrooms to fuck himself.”

I flushed in growing shame as Heero continued to taunt me with his words. I guess I ought to feel glad he wasn’t saying this to a whole bunch of seniors. I had a feeling that these were his closest buddies and they wouldn’t leak such a thing out…I hoped.

“I told them you have quite an impressive cock, Duo.”

Geez, thanks a lot…argh!

I hissed in a sharp breath and staggered a little, but Heero stuck out a foot and pressed it against my thigh to steady me. He smirked and eyed the growing stain.

“See? He gets off at the thought of being…” He smirked. “…naked for others.”

The other boys laughed at that but I could barely hear a thing. My every thought and focus was pinpointed on the mischievous blue depths before me. I licked my lips slowly and shivered as those wandering toes began a slow journey across my upper thighs. Unconsciously and honestly not meaning to, I found them parting ever so slowly, allowing him access to my burning groin. My arousal was no longer something that could be hidden and the small tent it had created practically pulsed and strained to be let out.

“Release him, Heero before it rips his pants,” Wufei joked as I was finally able to tear my gaze away from those cobalt blues to stare at the Chinese boy in dismay. Now, they were all into it and I could see that their faces were slightly flushed with growing anticipation.

Could they be planning to…?

“Argh!” I fell to my knees, unable to stand up any longer as Heero’s toes finally made contact with my throbbing cock. He raised a brow with a look of displeasure on his features while the others continued to chuckle in amusement. I felt the heat curl from the pit of my stomach and race its way towards my aching heart.

Eh? Aching? Yeah, you bet your ass it was aching. And I despised myself for feeling like that. I suddenly felt like crying for some damn reason or another. I didn’t understand why he was getting a kick out of teasing me so much, but deep down…even though I admit I enjoyed it a little…it still hurt, you know?

“What the fuck…?”

I lifted my gaze at the sharp question wondering what I had done wrong now. There was a flash of something behind Heero’s eyes that looked like uncertainty but it was quickly wiped away as he frowned again. “You’re not crying are you?” he asked roughly.

I shook my head quickly, still kneeling on the floor as he rose to his feet to tower over me. I hadn’t been crying, had I? I lifted a hand to my cheek just to be sure and was grateful that nothing wet was upon my features.

“Why the hell are you looking at me like that?” he asked again and this time I was sure there was slight confusion in his eyes. I had the feeling I must have struck a chord deep within his icy heart somewhere. But like before, he masked it again and growling softly, he pulled me to my feet by the scruff of my turtleneck. I all but winced at how close and how much my body was making a vain attempt to press tightly against his. It was like a fucking addiction. My entire being screamed to be taken by this bastard and yet…

“I hate you…” I whispered thickly…and then kicked myself inwardly as I realized I had spoken my thoughts out loud. I watched those blue eyes widen in surprise for a moment and the silence that had fallen within the room was almost my undoing. I had the feeling I had done the unthinkable.

I had actually stood up to Heero.

I felt a small sting of victory at my audacity, my heart soaring with the knowledge that Heero wasn’t all that invincible. However, he was still staring at me as if deciding on whether to punch my lights out or to kiss the living daylights out of me. I secretly hoped it would be the latter, but to my dismay, he cocked his head to the side and snickered – those full lips I longed to be on mine, curving into a smile of derision.

“You hate me, huh?”

The others laughed again and I knew I was more than outmatched in this fight.


I was pulled even closer until our bodies seemed to be molded to one another. I could feel the pulsating heat envelope our bodies, the gentle rhythm of his hard abs against mine, the obvious swell in his pants as each small movement had me nearly moaning in delight. I winced as he caught the tail end of my braid to wrap it tightly around his hand as he leaned closer to whisper hoarsely into my ear.

“I don’t give a damn if you hate me, Duo, because I feed off it, got it? Hate me for as long as you want, but your body never lies. You will belong to me completely, Duo Maxwell, whether you like it or not.”

And to my complete and utter shock…

Heero kissed me.

Next Chapter

Gundam Wing Fiction

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