Full Metal Alchemist Fanfiction


Our Scars
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Roy/Ed
Warnings: Yaoi, m/m, lemon, angst, inexplicit violence
Summary: It's three years into the future. A war has broken out as Edward tries to cling to memories of being with the one who makes him feel alive.
Complete: One

Memories Of A Kiss
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Slight Ed/Winry
Warnings: m/f, angst, mild lime
Summary: With Al's prodding, Ed keeps a promise to meet Winry for an unofficial first date. Memories are revealed and old wounds opened. Would things ever be the same between the two friends after this?
Complete: One

Little Games
Rating: R
Pairings: Roy/Ed
Warnings: fluff, inexplicit fondling
Summary: Roy and Ed play a little game just for fun...or is it?
Complete: One

Copyright [c] 2000-2011 Kiyasama 

Graphics designed by KiyaSama