He zipped up his fly and flushed the toilet, watching in mute fascination as the water swirled and danced around the pristine porcelain. Walking over to the sink, he filled his palms with the sweet-smelling soap, lathering up very well to get the dirt out. Rinsing them, he decided to splash some on his face, needing the coolness of the liquid to caress the hot skin. Raising red-rimmed and tired violet eyes to the ornate mirror before him, he groaned at his appearance. He looked like shit.


A light knock on the door snapped him out of his thoughts. “Hey, Duo? You in there? Your father wants you.”


Great. Another heart-to-heart talk with daddy dearest. “Be right out!”


Patting his face dry and brushing rough fingers through his hair to give himself some sort of a presentable appearance, he straightened out his black suit and made his way to the door.


“About time you came out. What were you planning to do, drown yourself in the toilet?”


Duo smiled wanly at the black-clad girl before him. “Would have done the world a favor there, wouldn’t I? Where is my dad, anyway?”


“He is currently speaking to the von Burens,” Relena muttered softly as she draped an arm around Duo’s. “I gotta say, the caviar is great.”


“We are supposed to be mourning, Lena. Not admiring the food,” Duo scolded gently. He automatically gave small smiles and nods to passing guests, hearing the same words of ‘Sorry for the loss’ over and over again. He wanted to scream.


“Oops! I am off.” Relena released her arms and made a roundabout turn towards the gardens. Duo blinked before realizing that Eleanor Maxwell was now making her way towards him. (Obviously, Relena was escaping. Talking to Eleanor was not part of her plan this evening.) His eyes went soft with love. His mother was a stunning creature and now even dressed in the plain black suit and hat, her grace and elegance never ceased to take his or anyone else’s breath away. Caressing violet eyes took in the pale-faced boy before her and sighed.


“Have you eaten anything at all, Duo, sweetheart?” She asked in her unique husky voice. Duo always thought it sounded like bells tinkling. “You don’t look so well. I can hardly blame you anyway, this whole thing…it is quite upsetting. Peter was like a son to me.”


“Yeah, mom. I guess I lost my appetite. Have you seen Helen anywhere?” Helen was the older child and sister to Duo.


Eleanor shook her head and sipped the glass of wine in her dainty grasp. “No, sweetheart. I did see Tony and the kids in the gardens, so I guess they probably went there.”


“I’ll go check up on them,” Duo responded quickly. He could see his father approaching and he didn’t feel like talking to the older man at the moment. Giving his mother a quick kiss on the cheek, he left the stifling confines of the large ballroom and made his way towards the lush gardens that graced the hotel’s backdrop. The late evening breeze brushed against his body, causing him to pause to gather in a lungful of air. It was turning out to be a beautiful sunset and Duo found himself walking towards it. His steps took him past the main gardens and out to the long pathway that separated the hotel grounds and the beach before it. Leaning against the rails, he sighed and let his thoughts wander.


He and Relena had arrived at the hotel late yesterday and had had to sit through hours of gushing and rants and tears. Their hotel room had been filled with well-wishers and mourners, all wanting to express their grief and sadness. Naturally, some of the media had been there, all wanting to cover the funeral proceedings of a Maxwell. Duo shuddered. They were like gluttons and vultures. Craving for any attention and story. He hadn’t gone to bed till about three in the morning, only to wake up at seven to prepare for the funeral. A quick family breakfast, which comprised of seven grumpy adults and two tantrum-pulling children, followed by the hour long drive to the church and then the three hour service, followed by the extra hour at the graveyard, culminated in one very fatigued Duo Maxwell, who wanted nothing more than to bury himself somewhere and never get up again.


He hadn’t even found the time to think of his rival. Or anything else for that matter, but the sudden memory of blazing blue eyes staring at him, sent a weak whimper of need through his lips. He, unconsciously, traced a finger across his lips, the thought of Heero’s mouth teasing, caressing, and tasting him sending the hot rush of desire to his groin.


Oh, father. If only you knew…


“If only I knew what?”


Duo blinked. Had he said that aloud? Spinning around sharply, he stared dumbfounded at the smiling face before him. “” he stuttered weakly. “I…I didn’t see you come by.”


“That’s because you were so busy staring at that blue expanse of endless possibilities ahead of you…”


Duo raised an eyebrow.


“The beach, my boy.”


Sometimes, Duo could swear his father loved to hear himself talk. “So, what brings you out here?” he asked as flippantly as he could.


David placed a strong arm across his son’s shoulders and pulled him close. He noticed the tense flinch from Duo, but refused to budge. Both men stared at the dying sunset, the golden hues creating a wonderful display of colors and beauty that was simply breathtaking. Duo wished he could share it with someone else.


“You have been avoiding me,” David finally said, his eyes not leaving the scene. “Is there something you want to tell me?”


“I don’t know what you are talking about.”


David’s grip tightened and Duo winced slightly in pain. “Don’t play dumb with me, boy. I have seen that look in your eyes.”


Duo felt a slight chill. “Lo…Look?” Goddammit! Was it that obvious?


He suddenly found himself staring into his father’s dark eyes as David had spun him around. A question hung in the air between them and it was taking all of Duo’s strength not to quiver beneath the intense glare.


“Yes, Duo. That look. That look you always have when you have been caught doing something that you shouldn’t have. What have you been up to? This wouldn’t have anything to do with your cousin’s death now, would it?”


A frown crossed Duo’s face. “What are you trying to say, father?”


David pursed his lips and leaned against the rails. Training those shining dark orbs on his son’s now trembling being, he smirked. “I took the liberty of going through your late cousin’s things earlier in the week and do you know what I discovered, Duo my boy?”


Duo had a bad feeling that he was in for the shock of his life…or something worse.


Not waiting for Duo to answer, David continued. “I saw something that made me sick to my stomach, Duo. And do you know what that was?”


His voice was calm. Too calm and Duo knew what that meant. David Maxwell was extremely angry. Whatever Peter had had in his room was enough to get the burly man this mad, and Duo wondered what could possibly be the case. Maybe a stash of porn magazines?


“He had letters.”


Duo blinked and stared at his father in disbelief. “Letters? That’s it?! What the hell…?”


David raised a hand to silence the tirade. “Not just any ordinary letter, Duo. These were letters from…from…”


Duo watched his father’s face redden and then his hands clenched into tight fists. “These were letters from Masaki Yuy!” He finally blurted out.


“Isn’t that…?”


“Yes, it is!” David bellowed. “The same moronic fool that killed your cousin!”


“But why…how?”


“Don’t ask me, son. I am just as clueless as you are.”


Silence reigned for several minutes, before something clicked in Duo’s brain. Frowning, he spun to face his father again. “What kind of letters were they? Do you think I could take a look at them to see…?”


“I burnt them all.”


Duo stared incredulously at the older man. “You what?!”


David raised himself to his full height and folded his arms, his eyes not quite reaching the angry purple depths before him. “I burnt them all. They were of no use to me or to anyone else for that matter.”


“My God! Didn’t it even cross your mind that maybe those were personal and private to Peter? How could you just burn off things that do not even belong to you?!”


“In case you have forgotten, Duo Maxwell, your cousin is DEAD! He will never have the right to say anything anymore as long as he is six feet under!”


Duo sputtered and stared in shock at the man he called father. The cold fury and rage buried within him threatened to spill out in one quick blow towards the smirking visage, when the cold voice stopped his movements.


“Nice going, dad. You just know how to rub it in, don’t ya?” Helen Maxwell stood off to the side, her own arms folded with a frown of displeasure etched on her beautiful face. Short, cropped brown locks flitted in the wind, as dark blue eyes glowered at the older man. Just as elegant as her mother, Helen could be a formidable presence when she chose to be, especially when it came to people hurting her little brother’s feelings. “By the way, mom wants you back in the room. Seems like some of the guests are getting a bit antsy.”


David growled in disdain before walking back towards the lights and guests. Duo stared at the retreating back with pain, his eyes brimming with tears. Sometimes his dad’s actions could hurt him more than mere blows ever could. A warm and reassuring arm enclosed him and he found himself sobbing into his sister’s chest.


“How could he do that?” he muttered against her. “How could he be so cruel?”


“Shssh…there now. Don’t you go crying over that big oaf. He just likes to through his weight around for the wrong reasons.”


“But, I don’t get it,” Duo said in exasperation as he raised his tear-streaked face to stare at the friendly one before him. “Why would Dad do something like that? I mean…I thought he loved Peter.”


Helen sighed and smoothed the chestnut-colored bangs on her sibling’s face. “Peter was…I don’t know if I should tell you this, but…” She sighed again and turned to face the ocean. Her cobalt depths twinkling with unshed tears. “Peter was gay, Duo.”


“He was?” came the astonished reply. “How come he never told me that?”


“He didn’t want to hurt your feelings or anything. And besides, he thought you would open your big fat mouth and spill it to Dad.”


“Hey! I do not have a big…”


Helen placed a lean finger against his lips. “That is not the point, Duo dearest. The point is Peter swung that way and I guess father was pretty upset about it. And that’s why…that is why he burnt the letters.” She finished softly, waiting for the enormity of the situation to sink into the young boy’s mind.


Duo’s eyes widened. “Are you trying to say…to say that…?”


Helen nodded. “Yep, lil’ bro. Peter and Masaki were one hot item. Here, I have something to show you.” Reaching into her purse, Duo watched as she brought out a small, roughly packaged item. Opening up the white tissue, she raised the sparkling, crystal-like locket, smiling at the accompanied gasp that spilled from Duo’s lips.


“A beauty, isn’t it?”


Duo nodded numbly. Helen raised his hand and placed the locket into his palm. “Read what’s inside.” She cajoled softly.


With hands that trembled slightly, the heir opened the heart-shaped encasement, his lips mouthing the inscription written in dainty calligraphy.


‘To the one that holds the key to my heart.

Our love forever blooming, for all eternity.

Mine for all time…’



“Masaki Yuy…” He whispered as his finger traced the initials. He swallowed the lump that got stuck in his throat, his eyes blurring again. He squeezed his eyes shut and clenched the locket deep within his palms, never feeling the pain that seared through his body. He knew what he had to do now. He couldn’t put it off any longer.


“Helen…” He began, but was surprised at the grin that was presented to him as he opened up his eyes.


“You can slip through the back. I will cover up for you until you leave. I think Big Bill should be waiting for you.”


“How did you know?”


Helen ruffled his hair playfully. “Hey, I am your big sister. I should know everything, right? Now move it! You better leave before time runs out. He won’t be waiting for you forever.”


Duo nodded and gave his sister a big hug of relief. “I don’t know if I am doing the right thing, but I have got to try.”


“You are doing the right thing. Just don’t make the mistake our fath…I mean, the same mistakes Peter and Masaki did.”


Duo frowned at the slip. “What do you mean the same mistake our father did?”


“No time to ask questions, Duo!” She chided, as she pushed him up and away from her. “Go now! Dad will soon start looking for you.”




Giving her one last hug, he darted through the throng of guests, careful to avoid his parents, straight to his room. With hands that trembled with fear and nerves, he pulled out his bag and began to stuff the meager belongings he had brought with him. His heart almost stopped as he heard the knock on his door. Keeping still, he waited until the muffled voice of ‘Room Service’ came through the oak barrier. Releasing a pent-up breath, he snapped his bag closed and made his way towards the second exit route. This door led to a stairwell that ended up at the back of the hotel, a perfect escape route for anyone wishing to escape from paparazzi. Running down the stairs, double-time, he skidded to a stop as he approached the metal doors. Sure enough, there was Big Bill as chirpy as ever, waiting for him. Duo had never been so glad to see anyone in his life.


Surprising the older man, Duo crushed him into a bear hug and not waiting to see the man’s reaction, he slid into the back seat of the Sedan (The limousine would have to be put aside for a while). On second thought…


“Gimme the keys, Big Bill.”


The driver stuttered and looked stunned. “What? I cannot do that, Master Duo. What will your father think?”


Duo’s eyes pleaded with the man he had known all his life. “Please, Bill. I have got to get back to school fast!”


“But Master Duo…”


“Pleeeeeaaaaaaase!! I will do anything you ask of me! I am on my fucking knees, Big Bill!”


Shaking his head and sighing in resignation, the keys were unceremoniously snatched from his hands and before he could even say a word of warning, Duo had given him a quick victory sign and had sped out of the alleyway, leaving him coughing and wheezing at the fumes that enclosed him.


Godspeed to you, Master Duo. I just hope you know what you are doing. And that I don’t lose my job…




Helen watched the Sedan speed off into the fading light, a small smile of satisfaction on her lips. She barely spun around at the rustle of cloth behind her.


“So he left, huh?”


“Yeah…he must really have it bad for Heero, huh?”


“You said it. Ever since those two met, it’s been fireworks and explosions all the way.”


“Do you think Heero will accept him? I mean from what I have heard, that boy is about as communicative as a rock.”


“You know what they say…the silent ones are the most passionate.”


Helen snorted and spun around to face the brown-haired girl. “You are a really good friend, Relena. I don’t think I could have done what you did. I know how much you really love Duo…”


Relena waved her hands to brush the comments aside. “Nah…don’t worry about me. As long as Duo is happy, that is all that matters to me.”


A comfortable silence fell for several minutes as each woman became lost in her thoughts. Finally, Relena asked quietly.


“How did you get the locket, anyway?”


Helen allowed a small smile of sorrow to cross her visage. “Peter gave it to me, the day before he…” She stopped and closed her eyes, swallowing the lump that was now stuck in her throat. “He told me to give it to Duo. He made me promise to give it to him. He hoped that Duo would not have to go through the same stuff he had to deal with. He loved that kid, you know.”


Relena nodded and leaned her head against the older woman’s shoulders. “I know that, Helen. I know…”




Heero listened idly to the loud clap of thunder. It was raining again and he was soaking wet, but his eyes never strayed away from the box he held tightly in his grasp. His usually expressionless eyes flickered with an unreadable emotion for a minute, before gripping the black object tighter to him.


“Here you go. Chocolate mocha latte with cream. Drink it right up, before it gets cold.”


He stared at the smiling girl before him. Why was she bothering him again? And why was he letting her? She had dragged him to this café for dinner, claiming that he had been as morose as ever. Heero couldn’t blame her. He had not felt so good since the moment he had seen…


He shook his head and reached for the drink, gulping it quickly and wincing as the hot liquid burnt his tongue. He needed something to numb this aching void deep within him. He needed…


“I see you got the box. How did you do that without your father knowing?”


She was persistent. This Julie girl. “I managed to bribe the landlord,” he replied.


Julie nodded and stirred her coffee. To her amazement and shock, she had gotten Heero to actually open up to her a bit…a bit being the key words here. She had gone back to look for him after his sudden disappearance from the office, only to find him sitting and staring at nothing in the library, hours later. His books were open and he was doing a good job of pretending, but Julie could see that he had not flipped or opened another page. He had been like a zombie.  She had tried talking to him, but he had gotten up and left without a word of greeting. Not giving up though, she had met him earlier today and had finally managed to get him to talk. Heero had decided to go to his late cousin’s apartment to see if he could salvage any valuable item before the authorities came to clean it up. Julie had offered to follow, but Heero had refused. He had wanted to do this on his own. Nodding in understanding, she had escorted him to the outskirts of the school, only to get another shock as Heero had quickly changed his mind again. He had then wanted her to go with him. And so using the bus, they had gone into the main part of town and towards the lush condos that most well-to-do bachelors tended to live in. Heero had told her to wait for him outside, while he went in to speak to the man in charge of the building.




“Wow…this place is huge. I wonder how many people live here.”


Heero looked indifferent and shoved his hands into the large black trench coat he wore. The stoic face revealed nothing and quite frankly, Julie was getting tired of trying to read his mind. If anything, Heero had looked so bleak, it was beginning to frighten her.


“Wait out here for me. I will be right back.”


Not waiting for her nod of acceptance, he walked into the building and made his way towards the guest service desk. Ringing the bell, as the place looked deserted, he leaned against the wooden counter top and closed his eyes. He could still remember the times he had come to visit Masaki in this same place. The fun they had had. The stories he had told…


“Can I help you?”


He opened his eyes and spun around to face the burly man before him. Dark eyes glinted with interest as they recognized the young man before him. “Master Yuy, what a pleasant surprise. I am really sorry about the death of Masaki. He was one heck of a guy, I tell ya.”


Heero dismissed his rambling with a curt nod. “Has my father been here yet?”


Mr. Bowles, for that was the proprietor’s name, shook his head. “Nope. But he did say he was going to show up later on this evening. He called and all.”


“I need to go up to his room.”


Bowles shook his head. “Can’t let you do that, son. Your father’s orders.”


A small smirk lighted Heero’s countenance and reaching into his pockets, he pulled out a stack of bills, carefully placing them in front of the now wide-eyed man.


Speaking carefully, as if he were lecturing a two-year-old, Heero spoke. “I would like to go up to Masaki’s room.”


The money vanished within seconds and in another five minutes, Heero found himself standing in front of Apartment 35A. “Here ya go,” Bowles said, although his voice was tinged with worry. “You had better take what you want and leave quickly. Your father should be here anytime now.”


Heero nodded and went in. Shutting the door silently behind him, he flicked on the lights and stared at the Spartan-like room. Like Heero, Masaki had been raised to be practical. There were no frivolous decorations or excess accessories. Everything was functional, clean and neat. It looked like the owner was due to walk in any minute. Swallowing tightly, Heero made his way to the bedroom. Masaki had once shown him his secret hiding place and had made Heero swear never to reveal its location to anyone. Reaching beneath the bed, Heero pushed out the false floor and carefully lifted the black wooden box. He didn’t really know what was in it. Masaki had only told him that the box contained matters of life and death in it. Heero hadn’t really cared…until now that is. Getting back to his feet, he eyed the small room, his eyes falling upon a picture that Heero was sure, if found, was bound to get a lot of negative reactions. He raised the small frame closer, noticing the smiling faces with a pang of pain, ache and loneliness. It was a picture of Peter and Masaki, dressed for the beach in stupid-looking Hawaiian print shorts. Each boy had an arm around the other’s neck, smiles of some mystical joy etched on their faces. Peter Maxwell looked eerily like Duo, in Heero’s opinion. The hair wasn’t as long, but that cheeky, devil-may-care expression was just like the Maxwell heir’s. Masaki looked happy. Something Heero could rarely say about his cousin. The genuine smile seemed to make the older man look years younger. They both looked….


In love…

“Master Yuy? Are you done yet?”


“I will be right out,” Heero replied, idly noticing that the men had strange-looking necklaces around their necks. Thinking nothing of it, he tucked the picture into his pocket, his eyes searching for anything else that looked suspicious or out of place. Satisfied that he had gotten what he wanted, he made his way out of the hotel and straight into the pouring rain.




“Are you ready to go now?”


Heero jerked out of his thoughts and nodded mutely. The drive back to the school grounds was pretty quiet, which was quite fine with him. He didn’t feel like talking to anyone at the moment anyways.


The cab stopped off at the girls’ dorms first, and Julie stepped out of the car, only to lean her head back in. “I want you to get a good night’s rest, Heero. To be honest, you look like death.”


Heero couldn’t stop the small smile that came onto his face. “Thank you.”


Shaking her head in exasperation, Julie snickered and ran into the building, turning around to give him one last wave. Waving slowly back, Heero leaned against the seat and closed his eyes. He was exhausted. Five minutes later,


“Here you are, son.”


Paying the driver, Heero got out of the car and ran through the downpour. Kami, it was like hail out there. Ignoring everyone around him who spared a curious look, he walked straight into his room and shut his door firmly behind him. Trembling from the cold that had begun to seep into his body, he stripped out of the wet clothes, safely leaving the box on his bed, and huddled himself, naked, within his blankets. Sitting cross-legged on his bed, he took a deep breath, before carefully opening the wooden treasure chest.


Running his eyes through the stacks of letters and pictures, he immediately saw the small black box. Shoving some of the letters to the side, he reached and opened it carefully. An unconscious gasp escaped his lips as the sparkling crystal shimmered in the dim light of his room. Opening the locket, he mouthed the words that were intricately inscribed.


‘To the one that holds the key to my heart.

Our love forever blooming, for all eternity.

Mine for all time…’



A drop of something wet…and warm, splashed against his trembling palms, before he realized he was crying again. Man…he had really been holding a lot of emotions in check. He was a crying machine all of a sudden. Wiping the tears away furiously, he carefully slipped the chain around his neck, allowing the cool metal to caress his skin. It contrasted sharply against his dark skin, but it still gave him a sense of comfort.


His sense of comfort was, however, quickly disturbed as a harried knock was heard on his door. Frowning in annoyance, he tightened the blankets around him and stormed to the door, ready to give someone a piece of his mind.




Duo, had almost collided into several trees and buildings in his haste. The rain was pushing his limits in patience and he had barely been able to see in front of him. The trip had taken an hour longer than he had expected, but finally reaching the school grounds, he had parked in an undesignated spot, his mind already churning out the fees for improper parking. Jumping out of the car, he dragged his carryall behind him and ran into the building.


He prayed and hoped none of the other guys were around to welcome him. He had only come to see one person at the moment. If any of them showed up…it would probably ruin everything. Hopefully, the boy he had come to see would be willing to see him in the first place.


With his heart thudding heavily within his chest, his body trembling with anxiousness and nerves, he thanked his lucky stars that the hallway was relatively clear. Brushing the damp locks away from his eyes, aware that he was leaving a puddle on the carpet, he swallowed tightly and stared at the door with those damned letters on them.


Come on, Duo. It is now or never.


He reached for the locket he had placed around his neck earlier in the evening, and feeling an odd sense of comfort flow through him, he raised his hands and knocked on the door.


He tried to control his feet from running away or his legs from crumpling beneath him as the door was suddenly yanked open to reveal the face he would have gladly died for. He could see the look of shock and surprise on that handsome face and feeling a bit lightheaded, he plastered a grin on his face.


“Hiya, Heero! You wouldn’t mind letting me in now, would you?”


And not giving the Japanese a second to think, he made his way into the dimly lit room.




Heero couldn’t breathe. He just couldn’t. This was a dream. A very cruel dream. Duo Maxwell was supposed to be with his parents for a funeral. He wasn’t supposed to be here. What the hell was he doing?

He still, however,  found himself shutting his door and spinning around to face the pacing figure. His heart racing with each step the braided boy took.  Duo looked…


Nervous. He is as scared as I am. Not wasting any time, realizing that he had to make his move or this wonderful apparition was bound to disappear at any minute, he threw off the blanket that shielded him and walked up to the unsuspecting boy.


“Heero…” Duo began meekly as he fiddled with his hands. He had to say something to ease the tense silence, but his thoughts were quickly cut off, as he felt the strong arms encircle him and the solid warmth of a very…


His eyes widened and he spun around still enclosed in Heero’s arms. “You are naked!” he squeaked out, finding out that the words sounded very childish and foolish to him. Blushing furiously at the feel of Heero’s body against his, he tentatively reached upwards to sink shaking fingers into the almost dry, brown locks.


Both boys pressed their foreheads against each other, their breaths becoming harsh as they stared deeply into each other’s eyes.


“Duo…” Heero muttered thickly.


“Yes, Heero,” came the shaky reply.


“We are going to burn in hell for doing this,” Heero whispered feverishly against his lips.


Duo nodded and whispered back, his heart pounding even faster than ever.


 “So be it, Heero Yuy. Let us burn in hell together…for all eternity.”