



Somehow hearing that name didn't surprise the American in the least. He had probably had the feeling that the girl would have called. He didn't know why he thought that, but with all that had happened so far...why should her phone call come as a shock to him?


He rolled off the bed, ignoring the sharp glance he got from Heero. He had been planning to take Coco outside for a walk in the first place - that was before getting sidetracked at the sight of his naked companion. Heero was still giving non-committal mumbles and small nods here and there as Duo slipped into his sneakers quickly. He had no doubt that the Japanese boy would tell him everything later on, but as of right now, Duo needed to get out of the house to think.


He made a move towards the door, but Heero's hand on his arm stopped him. He turned around with a raised brow and pointed towards the restless cat.


I have to take him out, Duo's eyes said.


Heero's looked skeptical, but he finally gave in with a small nod. You'd better be back soon, came the unspoken response as Duo shrugged in acceptance.


Releasing his arm from Heero's grip, Duo made his way towards the kitchen and eyed the pan of sushi he had meant to prepare last night. It was beginning to smell a bit funny and as the image of Heero's cousin came to mind, Duo's stomach churned uncomfortably.


"Hmm...might never have another need for Japanese food again after all of this," he mumbled to himself as he tossed the contents of the pan into the trashcan.


He walked towards the closet and picked out the thickest jacket he could find. It was nippy outside as the first signs of Fall had begun to make its presence known. He opened up the door and watched the cat bound out with excitement. It wasn't as if Coco was being cooped up against her will or anything. After all, Heero had created a small walkway for her through the kitchen door for any prowling she might wish to do. But it was as if Coco didn't enjoy being out on her own. The cat hardly left the house without wanting either of the men to follow after her. Duo was beginning to have a feeling that they were spoiling the cat rotten.


Closing the door carefully behind him, he stuck his hands deep into his pockets and decided to take the walk down the long flight of stairs instead of using the elevator. This would give him more time to reflect on things.


On what things exactly? his mind screamed. He sighed and watched the black and white ball of energy race up and down the stairs as he tried hard to keep up with her. There really was nothing to think about, he concluded inwardly. Heero had made up his mind to take Duo with him to Japan and that was that - and knowing Heero, once his lover's mind was made up, there was no turning back or talking him out of it.


They finally made it to the ground floor and Duo gave a cheerful wave to Mr. Brinkley, who was the resident pervert for the building. The man was already sitting behind the front desk with a 'Playboy' magazine stuck close to his face. Receiving only a light grunt in response to his greeting, Duo shrugged good-naturedly and continued to make his way out of the building.


"Brrrrr...geez! It's like winter out here already!" came the whiny protest as he stuck his hands into the pockets of the black jacket and wrapped it tighter around his shivering form. Coco had already begun to make her way towards the playgrounds and Duo could only smile softly at the reason why.


Almost a year ago, he had met the owner of the kitten around here. Pagan. It had been cold as well, but much chiller than today. He had had no gloves then either and the cold that had seeped into his body that night had been eased by the presence of the young girl that had steadily become best friends with him…them. She would be nine in a few weeks. Hopefully, he and Heero would find the time to pay her another visit at the foster home and get her some presents. He was sure she would be surprised at how big her little kitten had grown in the space of a few months.


Even though they lived in the city amongst towering gray buildings that housed people who worked around the clock for a living, the small central park was a happy reminder of all that could be beautiful about nature. The large trees consisting of evergreens, maples and oaks surrounded an oval-shaped section that had been deemed the Municipal Park. Many families and couples usually came here at the end of the day to take in the beautiful sights of the falling leaves or the man-made lake in the middle of it. Children could be seen at the playgrounds as parents watched them with pride. Couples could remain lost in their own worlds as they walked around the secret pathways that led to well-tended and breathtaking gardens. Sometimes firework displays were shown at night and many would turn out to share in the splendor of it all.


Duo had come to some of the festivities with his partner before...only back then Heero had wondered what all the fuss was about.


Just thinking of his lover's face the first time he had brought him here at night had Duo laughing softly. Heero’s, at times, clueless nature could be quite endearing. Coco was now chasing a bird across the fields before him and he snickered as the feline tumbled to the floor in her haste. But fast as she had fallen, she was back on her feet again ready to attack the next innocent prey she could get her hands on.


The park was quiet and peaceful now. Only a few early morning joggers littered the area as they waved at him in greeting. Heero really should have been out here by this time. The Wing pilot rarely missed a day without his exercise. Duo kicked at a clump of red, orange and brown leaves on the ground, watching them rise and then fall to the gently to the ground again. He closed his eyes and allowed his senses to take over. He could smell the richness of the dying leaves on the ground and in the trees. He could feel the soft morning, albeit chilly, breeze against his cheeks. He parted his lips and blew softly from it, feeling the smoke from the cold escape them. He could 'see' the beauty of Fall in his mind and with no real explanation whatsoever, the lyrics to a popular Christmas song filled his thoughts.


“Chestnuts roasting on an open fire…”


And that was it. He couldn't really remember the other parts to the song.


"Ah well, I wasn't that great at Christmas carols anyway." He laughed softly again as he opened up his eyes. "And why am I thinking of Christmas right now? It's not even Halloween yet!"


"But that doesn't stop you from thinking about it, does it?" came the familiar deep voice that had Duo shivering in response. He felt Heero's arms wrap around his waist from behind and he closed his eyes again, a small smile curving his lips as his partner finished up the song he had tried to begin. Who knew the Japanese boy could carry a melodic tune so well?


Heero finished singing, but made no attempt to release his hold on his partner. They remained like that for a while, neither wanting to move from their spot as if hoping they could cherish and hold on to the moment for as long as they could. Duo opened up his eyes and lowered his gaze to the strong arms around his waist. He stared at the slender fingers, which looked a bit inappropriate on a man as competent as Heero. Those hands that had worked countless hours on a machine that could have killed them on more than one occasion, those hands that had held weapons of death, hands that had felt the thickness of blood within them - these were the same hands that had touched him in ways that no one would ever be able to understand.


Hands of strength with so much tenderness within.


My Heero, Duo thought wistfully as he reached for them. He placed his hands upon his partner's and held on tightly. He could feel the surprise at his actions in the body behind him, but this was no time to explain. Duo was sure that Heero would pick up on it sooner or later.


He leaned back against his lover's body and gave a soft sigh. He knew that holding out this long was just a prelude to more news that he wasn't sure he could take. But why prolong the inevitable? Just go ahead and take the plunge, one might say and knowing that the truth was bound to sting a little...okay, a lot, Duo asked softly.


"What did she want?"


As if expecting the question, Heero replied softly without hesitation. "She thinks she’s being stalked." He tightened his arms around Duo's waist as he noticed the light flinch he gave. "She says that she was sure she saw a man taking her pictures last night on her way home."


"Doesn't she get psychos like that all the time?" Duo asked in bemusement. He hoped it wasn't what he thought it was, but then again Relena could just be hallucinating the entire thing again.


Heero nodded softly. "I told her that and she said it felt different. Her fans usually come up to her in person and the last man that tried to get too close was apprehended and given a court order, remember?"


"Yeah," came the reluctant agreement.


Another long silence fell, but this time, both knew where their thoughts were headed to.


Finally, Duo said quietly. "Are you going to ask him?"


Heero shrugged. "I might."


"Might isn't good enough. You have to, Heero."


"And how do you suggest I bring it up, hmm?"


Duo frowned lightly. "I dunno. He's your cousin. You think of something."


The Japanese boy groaned and lowered his head to bury it against the crook of his petulant lover's neck. "I don't want to argue again, Duo. I know you don't like him, but please...let's stop fighting over this every time."


Duo gave a reluctant nod and watched as Coco was now making an attempt to climb up a tree. More early morning exercise freaks were making their way past them and Duo was beginning to get a feeling of restlessness within him.


"Let's just check it out first before doing anything, right, Heero?"


"I was hoping you would say that." There was a smile in that response and Duo felt a responding one on his features.


"So, who's on first watch?"


"Why don't we both go?"


The American shrugged. "Fine with me. I don't have to talk to her, do I? I mean, I love her and all but..."


Heero shook his head. "No need to do that. I'll meet her first and then we'll see what happens from there."




A more companionable silence fell this time and Duo allowed his smile to widen. This was alright for now. It felt as if they were going on another Preventer mission, only this time...they weren't getting paid for it. His blood was beginning to flow with that familiar rush of adrenaline. He just hoped he wouldn't have to kill anyone tonight.


"This could be fun, you know," he said with a light chuckle as he reached out to catch another falling leaf. "Undercover and all of that..."


Heero smirked and pushed Duo a bit closer to his body causing the American to gasp softly at what he felt between his ass cheeks. "You do know what could be more fun, ne, Duo?" he whispered huskily against his lover's neck. "You forgot to finish up something this morning."


"But what if..." came the weak protest.


"I disconnected the phone...and the computers...for now..."


"Lady Une is going to kill us for doing that," Duo moaned as he felt his lover's hands snake to the front of his pants.


"Then we both die together," Heero replied with a grin as he released the other man to tug his hand quickly. "Let's go, Duo. We can't be late for our mission tonight."


Duo snickered as he followed obediently. "Geez...don't we at least get to eat something like real food today?"


"Don't you know that the human semen contains about 35 calories? Surely you can feed off that."


The American gawked at his laughing partner, before growling and pouncing on his back for a piggyback ride. "That’s just gross, Heeero!"


"You know you want me..."




And as Coco followed her happy owners, she gave a soft meow, which almost sounded like a whine, as she felt her fur prickle in awareness. It was times like these that she wished she were capable of better communication with humans.


Someone had been watching them all this time.