Tastes Like Ramen…:


“So, congratulations, Miwa. It looks like you have both won this round. See you in Japan, cousin.”


They stared at each other in mute shock, neither knowing what to say as the enormity of the situation slowly sunk into their minds.


They were being invited to Japan.


Both of them.


Heero and I…




Was this some kind of a joke?!


Duo licked his suddenly parched lips and wrapped his arms tightly around his raised knees. Still naked and wet from his unfinished shower, he rocked back and forth slowly, forcing his gaze away from the piercing, but bemused blue ones of his lover. He shivered but it wasn’t from the cold. He supposed he ought to be jumping around for joy at the fact that he had finally been accepted, but years of living through abject poverty and then through a meaningless war had conditioned him to be instinctively wary of any sudden good deeds. No one just decides to become a good man over night. Through his experiences, there was always something attached to it - some condition or ulterior motive that could turn out to be disastrous in the end.


And this whole situation looked like it was a train wreck waiting to happen. Things could only go downhill from here.


“So…uh…this is great news, huh?” he finally said around a weak smile. “Looks like the family is now ready to welcome me in…Heero?”


His arms had reached out, without really realizing it, to get a hold of the Japanese boy who had suddenly fallen into them. The force of Heero’s surprise embrace sent them flat on their backs onto the bed, but neither refused to let the other go. They remained motionless for a while, as the sound of the water still running from the shower filled the companionable silence. Heero’s soft locks brushed and tickled Duo’s chin and he could feel his naked body tremble and flush with heat at just how good it felt to have the Wing pilot in his arms again.


In a low murmur, Heero whispered thickly against his partner’s heaving chest. “I’m sorry, Duo.”


The American gave a small smile and lifted his gaze to the ceiling. “For being an asshole, Heero?”


Heero shifted and Duo groaned. Sweet Jesus, he shouldn’t really be naked right now.


“For being an asshole, Duo,” came the soft agreement as Heero shifted again, causing Duo to bite his lower lip at the sweet agony that coursed through his body.


“For not believing me, Heero? That kinda hurt you know…”


“I know…and I am sorry…”


“I wonder what made them change their mind all of a sudden.”


Heero stiffened within the embrace and somehow, Duo was not a bit surprised by that.


He is becoming too defensive about his family. What else did I expect?


“Maybe he just had a change of heart…” Heero murmured even though Duo could hear the tightness that now filled his tone.


Duo wasn’t buying it. “You heard the way he sounded. He didn’t seem to me like someone who was happy about giving us the news.”


Heero sat upright with a light frown on his features. His actions caused an already aching Duo to give a small cry of pain and pleasure. Embarrassed that he had been getting off against Heero’s stomach, he turned his reddened face away from the quizzical look the Japanese boy gave him. He was hard. Obviously and blatantly hard and if Heero didn’t do something soon…




Heero squeezed gently, a small smirk coming to his lips as he watched the writhing body of his mate before him. Fingertips toyed with the slit that was already wet with pre-come. He caressed and spread the thick fluid down the entire length of Duo’s cock, watching in fascination at the gamut of expressions that raced across the American’s face. There was something so…delightful in seeing the looks of denial, pleasure, pain and pure lust that could fill his lover’s eyes. And even after all this time together…Heero could never get enough of it.


He squeezed a bit harder and watched his lover whimper. He caressed a swollen sac and felt it tighten against his fingers. He caught them both and fondled gently. He pulled. Duo arched. He squeezed again and Heero was rewarded with more of the thick seed against his fingers. Duo was panting now - moist lips parted with the force of it. The droplets of water from the shower were now replaced with beads of sweat against his skin. Heero wanted to lick every single one but first…


“Spread your legs, Duo.”


Stuffing a hand into his mouth, the Deathscythe pilot shook his head fervently, his eyes giving his tormentor enough warning signs.


Don’t think you can get your way out of this by trying to fuck me, Heero. It’s not going to work!


Heero snickered and wrapped his fingers around the pulsating flesh. Oh? Is that right? His own eyes taunted as he marveled at the sight of the trembling boy beneath him. He could feel his own neglected cock cry out for attention, but this wasn’t about him. This was for his stubborn lover, partner and friend. Nothing beat seeing Duo’s face in the throes of passion and Heero was determined to bring out that look in the boy’s eyes again.


He hated the pain he seemed to be bringing lately.


“Spread your legs, Duo,” he commanded again, his voice thick with need. “Let me…let me make it up to you…”


With sex?! Duo’s mind cried out even as he felt his traitorous body finally give in to that deep, lazy voice that was clearly the ‘bedroom’ one.


And as he felt Heero’s fingers begin to stretch him gently, Duo gave up any fight he might have had left and allowed himself to be taken into a world where only he and his lover existed.





The dull hum of the dial tone filled his ear again and Rei slammed the phone down in growing frustration. Why wasn’t anyone picking up? Since the crazy conversation he had had with his grandmother, Rei had tried to understand what was going on back home in Sapporo.


Something is wrong, he thought with a frown as he paced the tiny motel room. His suitcases were already packed and he was all set to leave for the 4.30pm flight to Hokkaido. Something definitely isn’t right. I have to find out what before it’s too late.


It wasn’t like Takeshi to ignore him like this. His grandfather would have been on his case for botching the plan in the first place. But this silence…it was quite overwhelming and confusing. He felt as if he was being excluded from something monumental and he hated it.


His hands trembled as he reached for his packet of cigarettes. He grimaced as he noticed it was empty. He eyed the clock. He had about five hours left before he had to get to the airport. It was plenty of time to sightsee…properly…and get some cigarettes too.


With a soft sigh, he ran his fingers through his messy brown locks in frustration before heading out the door and into the slightly chilly streets of the city.


Luckily, there was a grocery store nearby. He only had to make a quick stop before heading out again.








“Are you sure? I mean this looks pretty cheap to me…and nice too.”




“Hmm…yeah, I guess you’re right. It’s too tacky. Hey! How about this one?! It’s got a pretty long name…Hokkaido Boshi Fukushi Center. Looks…”




“Expensive. Nah…Heero will kill me if I even mention that.”




“Alright, alright! You don’t have to tell me how boring I am,” Duo grumbled as he got off the chair to reach for the bottle of milk he had left on the counter for a while. He poured a generous amount in the cat’s bowl and placing it gently on the floor, he was all but knocked to the side as the hungry feline made a leap for it.


“Hmph!” Duo snorted as he tried to look offended. “And here I was trying to get you on my side or to at least feel excited for me.”


He sat back down on his chair, eyeing the kitchen table that was now littered with travel brochures and magazines. Still a bit sore from Heero’s relentless lovemaking last night, Duo had pleaded to stay home while Heero set off to work with a ready excuse for Lady Une explaining his absence.


He sighed softly and lay his head upon the table, a small smile coming to his lips as he stared at the image of a bowl of ramen on one of the brochures.


/Asahikawa ramen…the basic flavor is soy sauce. The broth made using pork bones and seafood has a strong flavor but leaves a pleasantly subtle aftertaste./


Having a strong flavor and a pleasant subtle aftertaste, huh? Duo rested his chin on the table and held the brochure before him. Heero is a strong flavor with a pleasant aftertaste, my friend. You should try him sometime.


/Sapporo ramen…Since the surface is covered with lard, the soup has a powerful taste with the full flavor of garlic, vegetables and miso. The portion is relatively large, allowing you to warm yourself up to the core by the time you finish it./


Duo cocked his head to the side with a snicker. Heero’s portion is large and can warm me up to the core and then some by the time he is through with me.


/Hokadate ramen…Being completely different from Sapporo and Asahikawa ramen, which have a much more powerful taste, Hakodate Ramen features a delicate taste./


Duo licked his lips and closed his eyes. Heero is powerful. I know that only too well…but his delicacy is what draws me to him. Beneath that whole tough façade is a boy who is afraid to be hurt just like me…


The shrill ring of the phone had him sitting up quickly with a flush of embarrassment on his cheeks. The very thought of comparing his partner to ramen hadn’t exactly been in his plans for the day.




“How are you feeling now, Duo?”


Heero. Geez, the guy was a worrywart without even trying. He had all but left for work an hour ago. “I am fine, Mother Hen. Well, not really. My ass still hurts.”


He could practically hear Heero’s blush over the line and he snickered in delight.


“Idiot,” came the low mumble and Duo could once again visualize his partner hunched over his desk, safe behind the thin walls of his cubicle while talking to him. It wasn’t as if Lady Une didn’t allow phone calls in the office, she just didn’t appreciate them calling each other every other second…like Heero was doing now.


“You’re going to get your ass fired soon, Heero,” Duo continued unrepentantly. “You really shouldn’t be talking to me right now.”


“Well sorry for wanting to know how you are doing,” the Japanese boy muttered before taking a deep breath. “So…what were you doing?”


Duo eyed the brochures and Coco who was currently walking all over them on the table. “Playing with myself,” he finally replied with a grin. “Wish you were here, don’t you, Heero?”


Again the blush and another low curse, this time in Japanese. “Don’t do this to me now, Duo.”


“Don’t do what?”


A heavy silence. “You are teasing me.”


The American chuckled. “No, we are having indecent conversation on the phone, while you are supposed to be working…”


“I had to make up some pathetic lie to cover up for you, Duo. Do you really think Lady Une bought it?”


A mock gasp. “You didn’t! You didn’t tell her about us fucking each other last night, did you? Heero, how could you?!”


“Kuso! Duo?! Shit…hold on a minute…”


Coco’s tail was now brushing against the brochure that he had been reading earlier and Duo reached over to pick it up.


/Kushiro ramen…The toppings are also very simple, so you will never grow tired of Kushiro Ramen even if you eat it time and time again./


He closed his eyes and sighed softly, vaguely hearing the dull murmur of Heero speaking to someone else at the other end of the line. “I’ll never ever get tired of you, Heero. No matter what happens or how long it takes…”


“What did you say, Duo?”


A dull flush came to the Deathscythe pilot’s cheeks as he shook his head to get rid of the stray thought.


Comparing his lover to food…what a concept.


“Duo? Are you still there?”


“You…you taste like ramen, Heero.”




It seemed to come out from nowhere. Duo had to laugh. It was just too funny a situation not to. There had been something so innocent and frank about Heero’s confusion that had him doubling over with laughter. Coco spared him a glance but decided that her masters were already crazy one way or another and didn’t put too much stock into it.


If he could see Heero now, he was sure that the Japanese boy’s face was as red as a tomato.


“Good to see you in great spirits, Duo,” came the soft mumble. “I just wanted to tell you that I’ll be stopping by after work to pick up the flight information and tickets, okay?”


Through his giggles, the American managed to nod and remembering that Heero couldn’t see him, he gasped out a weak ‘Sure’.


Another silence fell, but a more relaxed one now. Duo managed to contain his mirth as he cleared his throat and eyed the long grocery list posted on the fridge.


“Man…I have to go grocery today?”


“Are you whining already?”




“So get going.”


“You don’t tell me what to do.”


Heero laughed. “You sound like a two-year old.”






They both smiled.


“I’ve got to go now, Duo. Lady Une needs me to check up on a few things. Oh, I told her you had the flu.”


“Wow, that’s original.”


Heero shrugged. “What else could I tell her? Anyway, you take care now, okay?”


“Yeah, yeah and don’t over do it with the unnecessary items, correct?




Another silence fell, both not wanting to let go yet. “Well?” Duo asked with a small snicker. “Get off the phone, Heero.”


“Why don’t you get off first?”


“I thought you had to be somewhere right now.”




“Or were you just making that up?”


“No…no…I have to go now…” He gave a heavy sigh and then paused for a moment. “Duo?”


“Yeah? Still here.”


“You said I tasted like Ramen, right?”


Oh crap. Now, he’s going to want to know what I meant by that.


“Uuum…don’t mind me,” he began sheepishly. “You know how I like to…”


“You taste like ramen too, Duo. A wild combination of Sapporo, Hokadate, Kushiro and Asahikawa.” He smiled and added in a whisper. “Never lose your flavor because you will always leave a lingering aftertaste within me…always…”




The dull sound of the dial tone was all that he was left with as his bashful lover had hung up on him…as usual.




Duo hung up the phone carefully, aware of the silly grin he had on his face now and at just how fast his heart was now pounding from those words. Trust Heero to always leave him feeling this…


“I am not mushy,” Duo muttered to himself as he lifted Coco off the table to clear it up. He noticed that his hands were trembling and he flushed even harder.


Damn him, he thought fondly as he reached for the list. When you get back home, I swear I’ll…


Do nothing probably, he concluded with a soft laugh as he slipped into his black coat and wool hat. He remembered to wear his gloves this time around.


And making sure that everything was left intact and that Coco was let out to get some fresh air, Duo hummed softly to himself as he headed off for the grocery store.


Things weren’t all honky-dory when one looked at the big picture, but all things considered…they were relatively happy again and that was all that mattered to the pilot. He didn’t know what good or bad things lay in store for them in the future, but one thing he did know for sure was that he was going to buy a lot of ramen for lunch today.